Chap 11

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Alexis' POV
The doorbell rang. "I'll get that," I smiled. I got up and waked to the front door. "Please be a good surprise." I sighed as I opened the door and my jaw dropped. "Oh my god!"
"Surprise!" Sam exclaimed.
"Sam," I smiled as we hugged. "This is probably the best surprise Adam can give me."
"Well, Adam and I talked," Sam smiled. He walked in and I closed the door. Jimmy joined us. "Uhm?"
"Right, Jimmy is our butler," I smiled. "Jimmy, can you take Sam's things to an extra room?" Jimmy nodded and left with Sam's suitcase. "Follow me to the dining room." Sam grabbed his guitar case and we walked to the dining room. "Guys, I found out who my surprise is."
"Glad you made it," Adam smiled, bro hugging Sam. "How was LAX?"
"Strict," Sam smiled.
"Do you know how to work a sound board?" Bailey asked.
"Yeah," Sam nodded. "What's up?"
"Come with us," Bailey smiled. We walked to the studio. "Do you think you can hit the record button for us and adjust what you think needs to be adjusted?"
"Yeah," Sam smiled sitting down. Bailey, Jayk, Adam, and I got into the booth. Adam and I shared a mic and Bailey and Jayk shared one. We put on the headphones. "One, two, three."
The song started. "I knew you were, ypu were gonna come to me and here you are. But you better choose carefully. 'Cause I, I'm capable of anything, of anything and everything," I sang as I smiled at Adam. "Make me your Aphrodite. Make me your one and only, but don't make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy."
"So you wanna play with magic? Boy, you should know what you're falling for," Bailey sang. "Baby do you dare to do this? 'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse. Are you ready for, ready for a perfect storm, perfect storm?" I looked at Sam and he was looking at me. I looked at Adam and smiled. "Cause once you're mine, once you're mine, there's no going back."
"Mark my words. This love will make you levitate like a bird. Like a bird without a cage but down to earth. If you choose to walk away, don't walk away," Adam sang as he put his arm around me. "It's in the palm of your hand now baby. It's a yes or no, no maybe. So just be sure before you give it all to me, all to me, give it all to me."
"So you wanna play with magic? Boy, you should know what you're falling for," I sang. "Baby do you dare to do this? 'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse. Are you ready for, ready for a perfect storm, perfect storm?" I looked at Adam and smiled. "Cause once you're mine, once you're mine, there's no going back."
"Uh. She's a beast. I call her Karma. She eats your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer," Jayk rapped. "Be careful. Try not to lead her on. Shorty's heart is on steroids 'cause her love is so strong. You may fall in love when you meet her. If you get the chance you better keep her." Adam made a silly face and I giggled silently. "She's sweet as pie but if you break her heart she'll turn cold as a freezer. That fairy tale ending with a knight in shining armor. She can be my Sleeping Beauty. I'm gon' put her in a coma
Adam started singing the higher melody as Jayk kept the rap. "Damn I think I love her. Shorty so bad, I'm sprung and I don't care. She ride me like a roller coaster turned the bedroom into a fair," Jayk rapped as Adam sang. "Her love is like a drug. I was tryna hit it and quit it, but lil' mama so dope I messed around and got addicted."
"So you wanna play with magic? Oh, you should know what you're falling for. Baby do you dare to do this?" we sang. "'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse. Are you ready for, ready for a perfect storm, perfect storm? 'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine, there's no going back."
The song faded out. We put our headphones back where we got it and got out of the both. "I loved the energy in the song," I smiled. "I think we did great."

Sam's POV
"You guys definitely did amazing," I nodded turning a few nobs. "Just give me a second and I'll play it back in HD."
"Okay," Alexis smiled. Adam slipped his arm around her waist but I shrugged it off because I didn't need Adam knowing I feel something for Alexis. "I really like how the four of us are able to record a song together." Alexis looked at Bailey. "It was always Bailey and I or Adam and I so it felt good to do something different."
"Here we are," I smiled. I pressed play and it was amazing. I stopped the track. "You guys did an amazing job."
"Thanks," Alexis replied. "I guess you and I can now go so I can show you around LA."
"Yeah," I nodded. "Okay."
"I'll be back by 5:30 in time to leave for a 6:00 dinner and then a 7:00 movie," Alexis smiled. "Let's go." I followed her to a light blue Lamborghini and she opened the driver's side. "It's not going to eat you."
"This is your car?" I asked. Alexis nodded as I got in. "This is an amazing car."
"Thanks," Alexis smiled as she started driving. "Hey, you okay?"
"Don't you think your driving a little to fast?" I asked.
"I work for the police," Alexis sighed. She parked at the beach. "I figured you're probably hungry so I have a friend who owns a resturant by the beach side. Come on." I followed Alexis to a restaurant called The Ocean View. "Hey, Tanner!"
"Yo Alexis," Tanner said giving her a hug. "Thought I'd see you around lunch time."
"The waves probably gave you a concussion because it's about eleven thirty," Alexis smiled.
"You work in the medical field, right? Why don't you check it out for me?" Tanner nodded. They both laughed together. "I'm just messing with you."
"You have a take for my friend and I?" she asked.
"There's a take for two out on the deck," Tanner smiled. "I'll bring the food right out."
"Thanks Tanner," Alexis nodded. I followed Alexis to the table and we sat down. "Hey, you okay?"
"You know a lot of people," I nodded. Alexis shrugged as good was placed in front of us. "What is this called?"
"A seafood platter," Alexis smiled as she started eating. "Basically stir fry. Why?"
"I always ask what the food is if I don't know," I nodded. I started eating. "This is actually pretty good."
"I would hope so because my dad's the cook," she smiled. We ate for a while. "You done?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Come on," Alexis nodded. She grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. She let go of my hand as we walked inside. "Hey Dad."
"How's my little detective doing?" her dad asked.
"Just enjoying my last day of with Sam," she replied. "Anything new?"
"Since we moved to LA, everything has been great," her dad nodded. "No one bothers me and I'm doing my own thing."
"That's good to hear Dad," Alexis nodded. "Sam and I are going to head out. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"
"Be at your house by nine thirty," her dad nodded.
"Great," Alexis sighed. Alexis and I left the restaurant and we ended up walking the beach and to the peir. "It's so beautiful here, the Santa Monica pier."
"Have you brought anyone out here?" I asked.
"No, I haven't brought Adam here," Alexis sighed as we stopped. She put her hand on the railing and looked out to the water. "I've been so busy with work our relationship was mostly at home." She looked down. "The most we've done anything together as a couple is going to Sweden."
"Are you sure it's not him?" I asked holding the railing next to her. "I mean, I'm sure you would want an amazing relationship."
"Sam, I'm sure it's not Adam. I'm the one who puts in the most time at the precinct. I'm the one over work myself. I'm a work-a-holic," Alexis sighed. "I love Adam with my all. He was there for me when I lost my best friend but I feel like I'm never there for him."
"Alexis, you do realize you're talking to Adam's childhood best friend, right?" I asked. Alexis smiled as she looked at me. "I take that as a yes which is why you're taking to me about this."
"Bingo," Alexis nodded.
"Well, Adam does love you but he feels like he's taking you for granted," I sighed. "Just don't let it get to you. As long as he knows you love him, that's good enough for him."
"I don't want to be good enough for him," Alexis replied. "I want to be the one perfect for him."
"He tells me you're the perfect one for him," I looked at Alexis and she looked at me. "You have to let him know he's the perfect one for you."

Bailey's POV
"Where is Alexis?" I asked. Adam was standing up as he put his phone in his pocket. "How can you trust one of your friends with your girlfriend?"
"Because Sam's my childhood best friend," Adam replied.
"Adam?" Alexis voice echoed through the house.
"Living room," Adam replied. She ran in and hugged him. Knowing Alexis, she would've wrapped her legs around his waist but she was in a skirt. "Whoa." Adam quickly wrapped his arms around her waist. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything's perfect," Alexis smiled as they let go of each other. "Adam, there is no such thing as the perfect guy in the world but just know that you're the perfect guy for me."
"As much as I don't agree to you guys being my perfect match duo theory, where's the Alexis that Sam left with?" I asked. "Because the Alexis I know wouldn't be doing this or saying anything like that unless she knows someone was taking her for granted."
"Sam's right," Adam sighed. "I felt as if I was talking her for granted."
"Adam, you shouldn't take Alexis for granted. She's the perfect girl everyone dreams to be with," I shrugged. "Honestly, sometimes I'm envious of my own sister but I realize everyone is different from each other because we were made to find our other half."
"Yeah," Alexis smiled. They shares a kiss and Sam rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm here whenever you need me."
"Well, why don't you go and change and we can go for dinner?" I suggested.
"No, I'm not going to change," Alexis smiled. "But I do need to talk to you." She handed the keys to Adam. "Go wait in the car with Sam."
"See you girls in a few," Adam smiled.
I nodded as the guys left. "What's up?" I asked.
"I kinda had a feeling Adam was following me around LA for about a few months before he decided to show himself," Alexis sighed. "I just never told you about him or that I've been in contact with him on social media. I honestly didn't think he would've gotten our relationship to a whole new level."
"Hey, as long as your happy, I'm happy for you," I nodded. "That's what I'm here for even though I would've preferred you be with Blake." Alexis nodded her head no. "I'm talking about before the whole him shattering your heart and me beating him up."
"Yeah, well, things happen for a reason," Alexis smiled. "I always had a feeling it was Adam lurking around in the wind. I guess you can call him a hidden lover if you ask me."
"Mhm, you always were a sucker for the mysterious guys," I smiled as I slung my arm around her shoulders. "But I still love you as always."

A/N: the end my readers :) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Please stay tuned for new works and check out my other previous stories if you don't mind. Happy reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

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