Caution: Flammable

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Zira could count on one paw how many things have gone right for her since Scar's death. 

Surprisingly — even to her — her children were one of the things she counted. 

Although, she didn't count them equally loved. 

Kovu was obviously the favourite, but Vitani was also a treasure trove of potential. And Nuka... well, Nuka wasn't exactly the best. He had been born with a weak build, and not a bright mind. 

So what were his good traits? 

If Zira could say one thing about him, despite how much he got on her nerves sometimes, is that he was ambitious. Just like his father. Sometimes ambition without talent, was more dangerous than the talented ambitious. 


Fuli languidly loped through the grass, tackling Amri and pinning her on her back. Amri struggled for a second, before she relaxed and gave up, "Ugh, how are you so fast? It's impossible to keep up with you." 

She smirked lopsidedly, "I'm a cheetah, of course it's impossible." 

Hatari trotted up beside her, covered in dirt, "Time's up! I win!" 

Fuli bristled at the sudden appearance of the other lion cub. How did he manage to sneak up on her? How did he even manage to hide. Kiara, Amri, and the other two couldn't. 

That's dangerous. 

Hatari shoved his face in front of Amri, "I'm surprised you didn't outrun her, where's that speed you like to brag about~?" He grinned teasingly. 

Oh, he's covered in the scent of grass and dirt. He must have used it to erase his own smell. Smart. 

Amri rolled her eyes, "Fuck off, just because I'm faster than you doesn't mean you have to get butt hurt over it. I beat you in a race one time, and now you can't let it go." 

He snorted, "My bad, Amri. You might almost be as slow as Kion, so I don't know why you're saying you're faster than me. You just got lucky that one time." 

Fuli tilted her head, "Kion as in the prince? What, is he slow or something?" 

Hatari paused, "Well yeah, he's weak as shit. Can't run fast, can't stalk prey, can't track properly, can't fight. I think even a mouse could be a threat to him." 

Fuli hummed, thinking about something for a few seconds, "Wanna invite him to our game? Could be fun." 

A weak lion cub? Weird. Especially if he's of royal blood. 

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