6. Nowhere Girl

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Bruce wasn't happy when I got back the other night. I have no clue what time it was when the movie finished, and I decided to go back to the manor. Two, three, four in the morning? And explain what Dick and I had found out about this worlds Gita.

Bruce didn't exactly seem shocked by the news. I slept on and off all night. I was too tense and too wound up, and the bed was like sleeping on a marshmallow – it felt like I was going to sink right to the floor. I stared up at the ceiling for what felt like hours. I was too hot, and then I was too cold, and then the sun was coming up and it was too bright.

For the next week things were tense. Dick is back in Blüdhaven, leaving alone since I don't know how to approach Tim. I draw with Damian sometimes and I have started sketching Into the Spider-Verse from scratch since Marvel doesn't exist here and I can make bank. Sometimes I would just sit and watch TV wishing I had something better to do. I got Damian to watch Bluey, insisting it was educational and not a waste of time, and thought he pretended otherwise he secretly liked it.

Bruce is yet to get back to me about something to keep me stable here. I'm getting worried though, about the glitches. I don't tell anyone how much it is bothering me, keeping it to myself. I've gotten good at masking over the years.

But just in case I've started doing something I never thought I'd do again. Homework. Anything on quantum theory, string theory, and the multiverse theory and start trying to design my own watch. I think I'm getting the hang of it.

I help Alfred with dinner, and we make a mean lasagna. It all went downhill after that, other than thanking me and Alfred for dinner, that is the only conversation any of us have. Bruce sat at the head of the table and cuts into his serving without a word. I sat next to Tim, who is as stiff as a board and won't make eye contact with anyone. I want to tell Bruce Look at the poor thing, he's got anxiety, but it's not something I should say for Tim. Damian on the other hand is staring daggers at him from across the table.

Finally, I break the silence, something I never do. "Any update on things?" I ask Bruce.

Bruce looks up and I can't read his expression. "Soon Gita, I promise."

"Sure," I mutter. I know Bruce isn't going to let me die intentionally, that's not who he is... but still. "Um, I'm going to finish this in the kitchen."

Bruce nods. "No problem."

Breathing a sigh of relief, I pick up my unfinished plate and shirk around Tim towards to kitchen.

"Miss Gita, back so soon?" Alfred asks as I come in. I sit down at the kitchen counter and rested my head in my hands.

"They hate me, Alfred," I say. I lay my head down on the counter and my hair falls over my face.

He continues to wash the dishes as he talks to me. "Give them some time. It's not every day we have a civilian under our roof, let alone a beautiful young lady such as yourself."

"You have a way with words Alfred." I scoop up some lasagna from my plate, forcing myself not to pick out the veggies. As I finish, Alfred leaves to the main dining room and comes back with everyone's empty plates. I scrape my plate and rinse it in the sink. "Back home, it was just me, my brother, and his friends. It's like being raised by wolves – you don't realize you're not one yourself until someone points it out to you. Sometimes it makes me so mad that not everyone treats me just like another wolf."

He gave a low and delighted chuckle. "You'll be part of the pack soon enough, lass," Alfred says as he opens the refrigerator. He pulls out a plate of donuts cover gladwrap. He quickly peels the plastic off and puts sprinkles on them. He offers me the plate. "Would you mind taking these to Master Tim? They're his favourites and it might be a good way to break the ice."

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