21. Meanwhile, Bluey

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The prison of Belle Reve is located deep in the marshes of Louisiana. It's like someone built a nightmare out of metal and stone. It'd be impressive if I wasn't the one imprisoned here. The walls are thick enough to hold Superman. Waller knows. She checked. In addition, all inmates wear electric inhibitor collars that restrict their superpowers. The collars can and will be used to discipline inmates. A con how breaks the rules gets one warning. If you don't stand down, the second shock will render you unconscious and you are taken to solitary confinement.

Take it from me, it's a well proven fact.

I've been in Belle Reve for a month and then some.

I'm good - better than Bruce will admit - but I can't take out the entire armed squad Waller had waiting for me on the train.

I sit in the mess with my cellmate, Tuppence Terror. Her long platinum blond hair is tied back in a high ponytail, showing her undercut. Like always she watches me from across the table with cold steel blue eyes.

"Why you inside, honey?" she asks me again in her southern accent.

I give her a more creative answer every time. "I trained an army of squirrels to raid Gotham PD."

"That'll do it. Aw, this place ain't so bad, once you get past the food," she says, letting the gruel slip off her plastic spork.

"You kidding? This is la cosa migliore che abbia mai assaggiato," I say.

For a con, she relatively nice and I can use the ally, because I can see out of the corner of my some of the other prisoners in the common area eyeing me off. No one knows why I'm here. All they know is that I was thrown into the lion's den one day and beat them at poker.

Let's just say I have a large stash of prison issue cigarettes.

Being associated with Tuppence might be enough to disguise me as just another lion and not what I am, a wolf in sheep's clothing - or should that be the other way around? - a sheep and wolves' clothing. I've seen a couple of familiar faces like Killer Frost and Harley Quinn but kept my head down, they know me.

I recognise a few other faces that don't know me, Devastation, Shimmer, Julie (but she went on a Suicide Squad mission and didn't come back), Giganta, and Ratcatcher II.

"You got anyone on the outside what's waiting for you?"

"Yeah," I say shortly. "Red Hood."

"Really? I heard that guy's all types of messed up."

"And that's really all you need. Someone who sees the psycho that you are... and likes you anyway," I say. "What about you Tup? Cause I think Icicle Junior's got the hots for you."

She scoffs.

I prod my "food", I promised Jason I'd be back in a couple days, and it's been over a month.

Suddenly I'm shoved in the back, followed by a snort of laughter.

I turn around to face Devastation. She's a thug of a woman, with tattooed biceps the size of my head. As the arsehole looks down at me smugly, I feel it. The rage. It almost like a reflex now, whenever I'm facing people like this. Guys who should have made better choices. Guys who tried to take the easy way out by choosing a life of crime. I guy I would have been if Dad didn't straighten me out.

"Hey, Devastation, I wanted to ask you, 'cause I couldn't help but notice you are two tons of fun... just curious, is that justa thyroid problem? Or is that just some deep-seated self-esteem issue? 'Cause ya know, they're, uh, just doughnuts. They're not love." I say, before I slam the steal food tray into her jaw. I hear the crack of her jawbone. She staggers back, blood dripping from where the steal must've cut her and raises her fists.

So much for minding my business today.

Then my collar activates and as the shock comes, everything goes black.

Meme of the day

As per ordered by no one: Dean Winchester x Bluey

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As per ordered by no one: Dean Winchester x Bluey

As per ordered by no one: Dean Winchester x Bluey

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