40. Once: The Italian Fist Fighter

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It rains every summer in the new year, and me and Talia were standing outside of IGA with our takeaway cartons, waiting for the rain to clear up before we run back to school and get in trouble for skipping. A bunch of other people were doing the same with their groceries.

A fiftysomething guy came up to us with and umbrella, and he told us to take it, even though it was clear it was his only one and he would now getting soaked, even if he was only walking to the car.

Me and Talia said thank you and an elderly woman behind us who already had an umbrella said how nice he was, how kind that was and someone behind her agreed.

And he smiled and said, "Got to keep the pretty ones dry." And as he was standing there basking in the glow of his good deed he looked back at me and Talia and winked and said so the rest of the line couldn't hear, "Actually, it wouldn't be too bad if you girls got wet."

He said that.

We were 14, tops.

They do that. They say things and look, sometimes when they mean it and sometimes when they don't, men who think of themselves as red-blooded and true-blue and a nice-guy. They go so fast from I would never to So what if I did? They do it and then they all tell themselves that they didn't, or that if they did, it's fine. They're fine. They've never been anything but fine.

He said that.

Talia's eyes met mine and she shakes her head.

Don't do it.

I pulled my fist back and drive it into his face.

She dropped the umbrella on the ground, and we ran into the ran without looking back. And then we were laughing, and she was scolding me for losing my temper, and I don't know that I have ever loved anyone more.

Meme of the day

Meme of the day

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