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I turned around and glared before seeing Phil stumble backwards. I really didn't like having someone else's scent on something that is mine.

-3rd Person POV-

"Singa, where are you taking me?" Malay asked.

Singa said nothing as he continued dragging Malay to his room. He pulled Malay inside and asked him to sit on his bed, which Malay did.

Singa went to the kitchen and took out the first aid kit. He went back to his room and started tending to Malay's wounds.

Malay said nothing while Singa was tending to his wounds except for a few times he flinched due to the pain, especially when putting the alcohol swabs.

Singa looked up. "Does it really hurt?" Malay nodded. Singa looked down, hair covering his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful,"

"Can you take off your shirt?"

Malay was startled, and his face turned into a deep blush. "Y-yea sure,"

He turned around and took off his shirt and put it aside, which revealed more scratches and bruises. Singa hated Malay looking like this.

He knew that Malay was very good at convincing others that he was okay even when he was in pain.

But after being friends and knowing each others deepest secrets, Singa could tell what Malay is really feeling from the habits he has.

Just like Malay knows the habits he has.

-Malay POV-

The swabs Singa puts on the scratches stings, but the only thing that is comforting is his scent. It's his room after all, so the smell is quite strong.

I read the sheet of abilities Singa and Phil wrote down and saw that he is even more possessive with his territory and things he cares about.

When me and Indo were training, I could smell Indo's scent on me. Singa's scent is probably all over me by now. I wonder how he feels about that.

It's quite nice, actually. It smells like peppermint and jasmine very earthy, too, like nature but a very nice mix.

I think when I'm not drinking Milo, I should try the peppermint and jasmine tea, but I doubt it would be as nice as Singa's scent.

"Malay?" I flinched. I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't seem to realise he was talking.

"Y-yes?" Stuttering? Really?

"I'm done. You can put your shirt in now,"

Malay said nothing as he turned around and put his shirt on. "Thanks,"

Singa's hair was still covering his eyes, which hid his expressions. However, through his hair, I noticed his eyes give off a very light blue glow.

What? But his eyes are red, and I am pretty sure eyes don't do that? Maybe it's another ability? I run my hand through his hair, showing his left eye. Instead of his usual eye colour, it was blue.

Startled at my actions, Singa looked up at me, and his eyes turned a lighter blue. Blushing, Singa lightly pushed my hand off his hair, letting it cover his eyes again.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked. I thought about what I did. I turn my head away from him, knowing fully well that my face was as red as a tomato. How could I do that out of the blue?

I saw Singa widen his eyes and hold my chin, forcing me to look at him. My face was still red as I stared into his blue eyes, which was not as light as it was before, which was a shame.

"Your eyes. They're an amber colour. Your eyes are usually a blue colour," Singa said.

I blushed further, which I didn't know was possible at this point. Singa pulled our faces closer to each other. Could I just faint at this point?

"They just turned lighter," Singa stated.

-Singa POV-

"Your eyes. They're an amber colour. Your eyes are usually a blue colour," And I only know that because your eyes look so beautiful even more with your amber ones, is what I would have said if I didn't catch myself in time.

I saw Malay's eyes turn an even lighter amber. It must be because of our abilities. They turned to our animals' counterparts eye colour when we feel an extreme emotion.

I pulled out faces closer to get a better look at his eyes before stating, "They just turned lighter,"

I examined his eyes closer until I realised the position we're in. One of my hands was by Malay's hip, and the other was holding Malays chin. In other words, I was basically pinning him between the bed and the wall

Realising what happened, I got off Malay. Judging Malay's reaction, I could tell he was extremely flustered.

My eyes had just turned a lighter blue since I was a bit embarrassed about what I did without realising it.

I stood up as Malay went off my bed. "We probably should go back to the others," He wasn't looking at me, but I knew that he was still blushing.

"Yea, sure," I head to the door, opened it, and stood aside to let Malay go first. Malay went through, still avoiding looking at me.

-3rd Person POV-

The two headed back to Indo and Phil, who was discussing their abilities. "Oh, you're back. Did something happen?" Asked Phil,seeing the blush on Malay's face. Indo said nothing and just smirked.

"No, nothing in particular," Singa replied. "But we did find out that when we experienced a strong emotion, our eyes turned into our animal counterparts,"

Phil nodded before replying. "Yes, we found that out as well. My gold eyes turn into a blue grey colour while Indo's amber eyes turn into a black and brown mix,"

"Oh, Malay's eyes turn into an amber colour while mine turns into a blue colour. The lighter and brighter our eyes turn, the stronger the emotion,"

Phil nodded as he wrote down the findings. Indo and Singa were about to ask each other how they found out but were interrupted by a doorbell.

"Oh, it must be Japan at the door. I'll get it," Malay said, rushing to the door. He door opens, which reveals Japan and Hong Kong.

"Oh, Hong Kong and Japan! Welcome! Just put your shoes on the shoe rack over there," Malay greets.

Hong Kong and Japan nodded as they put their shoes away. They enter the house and see the others in the living room.

Chapter 6 done!

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