in which two eyes meet

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A/N just so you guys know I'll b posting my own digital art during this story and would rlly appreciate if u don't download without askng first jus so i can put my signature at the bottom cornr 4 u. This gif isn't mine I will add a note ab it wenever the art isn't mine. As always thx so so much for reading and i hope u njoy it!


You walk through the doors of the little cafe on the corner that you barely scraped by on buying just a year ago. Even with the monotony of your days you can not help but feel proud and excited each morning. You tie on your favorite colored apron get some coffee brewing and flip the sign to "open." Walking to the back of the cafe you begin to water the many plants you have strewn about. Originally the plan had been to just get a few for decoration but you'd fallen in love with them and soon enough each and every wall had either hanging plants beside them or vines growing on them. It gave your cozy cafe an almost wild feeling while the brown and sienna coloring of the walls made it feel like home. 

You have just begun to water the plants around the check out counter when a very tired looking man shuffles through the door. Giving a wide smile and small wave you welcome him to the cafe and head straight to the "order here" portion of the long beige counter. His eyes remain on the menu but you can tell from the lack of movement that rather than reading he has definitely spaced out wait politely.

"Uh...just give me a black coffee and something sweet I don't care what it is." He heads over to one of the mini booths that only seats two and slumps against the table. You look him over as you pour the coffee...'He doesn't really look homeless. Wonder if he's a villain or somethin?' Your inner monologue wanders through different possible life stories as you stare at the customer. He has long shaggy hair that nearly covers his eyes as well as a large scarf around his neck hiding most of his chin. His dark clothing is what made you wonder villain but then suddenly your mind flashes a memory of a sports festival broadcast from a few years back. 

"Hello again! I got you my favorite pastry that we sell and no worries about payment. It's on the house EraserHead." You smile warmly at the tired man who only gives a small nod. You don't see it but the ghost of a smile hints at his lips when you turn and walk away. "Thank you miss." You consider asking if he needs anything else but quickly decide against it seeing as being a hero must mean lots and lots of demands. You bought this place to be a safe space for people...a quiet haven. Maybe even a hero who sees the worst in society might be able to take comfort here.

"I don't get many heroes in here. I think it's too simple." You say to him with a chuckle as he eats. Since there has not been anyone else coming in yet you're getting sorta antsy.Having never liked silence it's hard for you to hold off on conversation...this was definitely a character flaw that your ex had enjoyed pointing out so much so that you suck in your breath and begin busying yourself with random small tasks hoping you'll be able to be silent enough not to bother the man at your booth. "Another coffee?" You ask suddenly appearing at his side only to realize he'd noticed you coming and was already holding the mug out to you. "I'll pay for the extras." His voice is still sorta groggy but deep and sort of could listen to him talk forever.

'I want him to talk to me every day.' You think to yourself without meaning to and find your cheeks blazing scarlet heating up till they are nearly as hot as the coffee that your about to spill on him. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" You exclaim upon noticing how full you filled his mug. He waves a hand as if to tell you to go away but does not speak. 'shit did I piss him off?'

Biting your lip you scurry away when finally some more people come in. You swiftly take their order and another an another until eventually the cafe is wrecked after todays rush hours. You make your rounds cleaning off and sanitizing each table to find he's left you a hefty tip. Gasping you look around but of course the pro is nowhere to be seen... 'holy crap he's cool.' You think to yourself before going back to your tasks. 

All throughout the day you find yourself thinking of his sexy hooded eyes. It was as if every other intrusive thought that came was about him. You bite your lip randomly while washing some of the last dishes thinking about him yet again when you angrily slam the plate down onto the counter. "Damn it Y/N don't do this again!" You exclaim into the quiet full of frustration with yourself. "Sometimes people can just be nice kay?" You grumble stomping your foot as if scolding yourself could possibly change this.

Sure you'd dealt with obsessive feelings before and they had faded...eventually...but they'd also gotten you into trouble had hoped you could avoid shit like that once you were living as an adult but unfortunately those urges only followed and had been laying dormant...guess you really can't outrun a quirk.  "Excuse me ms.Y/N?" His voice echoes through the silence and straight into your bones. 'wait when did he get here?! Does he wanna see me too?!'

'Don't make it worse for yourself!' You whine internally at that hopeful little voice. Out of your mouth however you simply reply, "Yes Mr.Eraserhead?" with a warm smile but your face is bright pink as you realize he heard your little outburst...'great way to tell him your name there genius.' Your internal monologue whispers in frustration. "Triple shot espresso in black coffee but go ahead and add a pinch of whatever flavor you'd most recommend." 

You nod and pull up the bill though you are in fact happy to give a discount here and there you still have a business to run and a cats mouth to feed at home...maybe he came because he thought it'd be free again? "Will that be all Sir?" You look up and instantly regret it. His eyes are more alert than before and quite fixed on you at the moment. For him it's like the first time he's seeing you. originally he came back hoping he could get some more free coffee but now he felt curious about you...why so nervous around a hero? 

"That will be all." He says before sitting back in the booth he'd occupied just this morning. "I do want to warn you I'll be closing up soon." You let him know as you set the coffee down in front of him. "I saw the sticker." He says nodding his head toward the door. "Oh...ha right I forgot I put those there!" You giggle embarrassed and go back to your work re-cleaning the machine was a drag but you didn't mind since it was him.

'Did he come back to see me? Did he just like the coffee? Or the discount? Do I look cute or stupid today?' Your inner monologue rattles off question after question half distracting you from your tasks. Even so you manage to finish up at the same time Eraserhead carries his cup to the counter and gives a nod. 

"Thanks for the good service and next time call me Aizawa. I try to be low-key about the hero thing." Your mouth forms an "oh." and you give a nod to the request saying, "Sure thing Mr.Aizawa thanks for coming in and supporting my small business!" You cheerfully wave him goodbye and lock up your little cafe more than ready to head home for the night you walk dreamily filled with thoughts of him. 'he said next time.' A girlish smile spreads itself across your lips all the way home.

AizawaXreader (yandere y/n)Where stories live. Discover now