obsession building

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A/N: This art not mine.Found on pinterest with no link to artist;

After taking a few to go orders you find yourself walking toward Aizawa without a plan...your feet just absentmindedly pulling you toward him. "Erm...would you like more..." You tilt your head a fox ear flopping to the side to look at his more than usual slumped frame. Than realizing with a start that he's completely fallen asleep head against the back of the booth tilted toward the wall and his papers sprawled  sort of haphazardly across the table. And your heart melts straight through your body.

 You can't help but be curious...your eyes scan the papers sprawled before him. You see that he teaches a class of first years who's names are a mix of sloppy and neat one even written with hearts on every dotted i. Your mood sours immediately upon seeing the hearts your possessive tendencies rearing their head so blindingly strong for a moment you consider tearing the paper to shreds. and setting it on fire.

You look away to shake the flair of emotion. Fixing your eyes onto him snoozing comfortably your heart melts and your entire being yearns to lay with him, next to him...'inside of him'...the kitsune part whispers darker needs that you shake your head against before heading silently back to the counter. It's not that you'd ever EVER hurt someone let alone your desired one but the fox spirit in you seems to always have something darker to say on matters. After a few hours to your surprise he is still there and still snoring quietly. He was even able to sleep through the 9am rush and now with it being noon you let out a sigh as you sit across the room so you can stare at him while he snoozes.

You take time to observe each muscle on his arms a couple bruises he has make you grit your teeth anger rising at the thought of someone laying a finger on him. Your teeth sharpen and push painfully against your lip..."Ah!" You gasp in surprise. "What in the actual hell?" You whisper to yourself poking one of your fingers onto one of the sharp incisors  This is definitely a new experience with your quirk! You try to think of another time you may have experienced this but come up completely blank! What is it about him that effects you so much?! As the teeth retract you find yourself spacing out trying to analyze how he could cause so many changes in you by simply existing....

You watch him breathing slowly and your tails swish slowly showing how content you are just to be this near him. Even if "this near" means across the room...for you it is perfect. Your heartbeat quickens and your body erupts in heat each time you even think about getting closer. You think further about how warm his skin would be against yours or how his heartbeat may sound...and how those muscles could easily hold you down...and just how hard he could fuck you...

Shaking your head you stand up blushing madly your eyes frantic. 'I gotta do something productive!' You think to yourself in hopes of being able to distract yourself, but that quick movement jolts Aizawa who yanks his scarf into a fighting position...you stare at each other for a moment frozen; him in shock of being awake and you like a prey in the eyes of a wolf. A snake of excitement coils itself in your lower abdomen bringing a blush to your cheeks."I-I'm sorry I woke you." You nearly whisper as his muscles loosen and he rubs his face with his hand.

"I apologize for frightening you..." He replies looking up at you from beneath his bangs. "I'll take a coffee to go please." You nod and scurry off to fill the request sad that he is leaving but also glad he doesn't seem fully angry you woke him up more so just slightly annoyed. While making the coffee you watch him collect his things unable to stop yourself from staring. Watching him put his hair into a loose ponytail and shuffling his papers about. Everything he does just seems so hot...

After a few minutes the coffee is ready and your heart is in your throat. Ridiculous feelings of absolute devastation rush through you in waves with every step you take to his table. You smile while handing it to him but it doesn't meet your eyes...he wonders if scaring you has had a bigger effect than he'd realized. "Thank you Y/N. I'll be seeing you again soon I'm sure. Take care." Your heart flutters frantically at his kind words seeing as you never hear anything like that from parents or friends it feels like a high in and of itself. 

"Thanks you too!" You reply grinning from ear to ear and waving as he leaves. While you're on cloud nine he's mentally analyzing your response...had you been wanting something before? Or where you just worried he'd be angry? Why so sad then so happy? He was really starting to enjoy analyzing you he'd always loved a puzzle. 

Seeing as no customers are here you rush to your phone and begin typing in your notes about what your desired one said before leaving and how amazing he is. Slowly the writing goes from sickeningly sweet to an obsessive loop of wanting to follow him. You reason with yourself or at least try to by typing about how he is in fact a pro-hero after all and likely wouldn't take being followed so well. 

You talk about how if only he'd touch you on purpose you'd be able to shift fully and finally follow. You wonder if the UA security system would mind an animal passing...Maybe you could start leaving notes on his car...the ideas for showing you like him flow and flow until you realize just how late it has gotten. Putting away your phone you clean up and start to head home...or at least that was the plan...

About an hour into your walk you realize the path you have wandered went directly away from your home and was urging you ever forward. Going completely off of instinct and admittedly daydreaming about Aizawa, you hadn't noticed at all...your heart begins to pound against your chest when you realize you have absolutely no idea where you are...panic begins to take over but your kitsune instincts push you forward anyways...so hand gripping the cellphone you just recently were able to buy the journey continues.

Eventually you find yourself in a sort of drab and seemingly abandoned part of town slowly you push on chewing your lip nervously. the voice of reason in the back of your mind repeats over and over a list of reasons you should turn back...but still your feet push onward...little do you know though you are being followed from the darkness above.

You stop dead in your tracks and huff in frustration. "Where am I even going?" You grumble to yourself but instead of the expected silence a deep voice replies, "Is the little fox lost in the big city?" The voice sends a chill down your spine something in the tone churning your stomach and causing your mouth to go dry. "Not exactly..." 

AizawaXreader (yandere y/n)Where stories live. Discover now