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A/N Another pic found on pinterest w no source

You joyfully rise in the morning with a little yawn to your surprise your tails are in place. He somehow feels close again though further than last night. That's when you remember him saying he'd be stopping by the cafe today. You rush around to get ready choosing your favorite fitted short sleeved shirt and a matching skirt. Once dressed you even put a bit of make-up on before dashing out the door. 

You see him as he arrives at your cafe's front door. He seems rundown beyond belief and you wonder to yourself if he's slept at all. Clouds of worry threaten to dampen your cheery mood but immediately get chased away when he looks over at you with his tired eyes and graces you with a light dreamy smile. You exclaim with a cheery little giggle, "Hey! Long time no see." "Practically years." He responds sarcastically while you unlock the door. "The usual?" You ask rushing over to the coffee to get it started. "Yes please." 

You set out making his coffee with a smile dreaming of doing this for him in your apartment...or maybe his. Thinking of wearing his shirt and how he smells so nice. You are blushing by the time you serve him and give a small respectful bow. "Enjoy." You say to him looking up through your lashes making him sigh. 'Damn I want her.' he thinks to himself. 

As you walk away he is left fantasizing about what he'd like to do to you. How he'd rip your clothes off and use his teeth to remove your panties. He finds himself wondering if you'd quiver in anticipation or if you'd sit still in waiting like a little doll. HE thinks of how soft your tails must be and how he'd like to nip at your ears and neck. He ends up drifting to sleep again in the cafe only unlike usual for him instead of fights and pain in his dreams they are filled with you.

You watch from the counter your tails swaying happily when to your great horror suddenly your mother in all her pro hero "glory" walks through the doors. Your tails refuse to disappear with him near so you try your best to hide them considering she knows what they mean. You are in a full blown panic attack. You can feel your chest rising erratically and your fingers begin to go numb. "Well would you look at that." She scoffs glancing at Aizawa. 

"Housing the homeless now hm?" Your brow furrows rage flaring higher than you were ready for. "He is none of your business and that includes his occupation. What do you want mother?" The words that you say are dripping in acid even she can feel it but of course she brushes it off completely with an air of superiority. "Can't I just visit my daughter's coffee shop?" She asks putting her hands on the counter posturing her body in a way that hints at possible violence. 

"Look I do have customers mom are you going to order something or am I going back to work?" She cackles "With those tails out I'd venture to say you weren't working at all. Drooling beast." She rolls her eyes before placing an order cutting off the response your mouth was forming. "I'll have a vanilla creme latte." She smiles sickly sweet just like she does for the cameras and your stomach churns. The last thing you want to do is serve this woman. 

Out of the corner of your eye you see Aizawa shift slightly and your heart sinks. You feel a rush of determination to keep yourself quiet and as calm as possible. You do briefly consider spitting in her coffee but remind yourself that you've built this all without her so that you can be the opposite of what she is. With your pride and dignity shoved way deep down the smile you give her when handing her the drink is more of a grimace and doesn't meet your eyes. 

"You know Y/N I think you should marry." You about gag on your breath and your eyes widen with very obvious shock causing her to cackle the way she use to when insulting you with backhanded compliments in front of co-workers. " thanks?" Your reply is bland as all hell but you feel completely stunned 'what the fuck is she up to?' "There's a friend of mine. Her son is seeking a life partner. Your quirk interests him for some reason." She sighs putting her hands on her hips.

"I am not going to marry some rando so you can get more favors." The reply is sharp and defensive. you sense the need to protect yourself and suddenly find yourself worried about just how many people know the specifics of your quirk. "So what? Are you going to stay here and serve the homeless until you become one yourself? You're not getting any younger here and let's face it you're not very pretty to begin with do you think that aging will be kind to you like it was me? hmph." 

She shoots holes into your self-esteem the way she always has even in childhood you remember her comments about everything you did or enjoyed not being good enough never ever good enough. "Please just leave mom." Your voice is wavering and this is when he stands. Your eyes dart to him as he puts his hair up and walks over to the counter completely ignoring her. "Thank you again for the coffee Y/N you know us heroes have such hard jobs. Would you mind getting me one of those sweets you gave me before? Your cafe is the only place in town I've seen them." 

"Oh of course!" You reply giving a grateful smile to Aizawa as you rush over to the glass case you hold the fresh baked goods. "Um hero?" Your mother scoffs before continuing because of course she just could not imagine shutting the hell up. "I sir, am a hero and my daughter and I were talking." Her tone could cut glass and her glare would freeze even the toughest villain in his tracks. Aizawa however simply does not give a shit and looks over lazily before switching on his quirk staring straight at her with such intensity kitsune begins to stir inside you.

"What the fuck?" Your mother exclaims in shock. "So Miss would you mind telling me exactly why you think it appropriate to verbally attack your daughter at her place of work? Seems such childish behavior from a pro hero." He looks away and her quirk comes flooding back. You have never been more turned on in your life seeing him get so intense like that and in your defense none the less. "Here you go." You hold the pastry out to him but when he goes to grab it his hand brushes yours sending a wave of overwhelming need through your entire body. 

"Thank you Y/N." He stares in your eyes when he says it as if he is trying to communicate something without having to say a word. "Oh and I think it's pretty shady to enforce arranged marriages. May have to report a suspected quirk reasoning for it." And with that he walks away not looking at her at all. You wonder...maybe just maybe he'd meant to touch you. 

Your mother glowers at the man you stare at in admiration before stomping off in a huff purposely throwing out your coffee on her way past the trashcan. "That's why I put yours in a to go cup." You say to the slammed door. "Hey thanks for helping me out there. You didn't have to but you did and it really does mean a lot to me." Aizawa looks over at you and nods. "She's met me multiple times by the way. Bet she'll remember me next time." You snort a laugh and he smirks triumphantly.

"there were definitely some personal reasons for my stepping in." He says a bit under his breath bringing kitsune to the surface and your fangs sinking into your bottom lip. "Shit!" Aizawa looks over in surprise only to see you lick blood off of your lip, the bright red glistening on your tongue in the most intoxicating way. 'Mine.' His mind growls but on the outside his muscles go rigidly stiff and his lips lock tightly to prevent him saying something that he fears might scare you away.

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