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"Is the little fox lost in the big city?" The voice sends a chill down your spine something in the tone churning your stomach and causing your mouth to go dry. "Not exactly..."  You hope to the gods that the uneasiness you feel in your stomach isn't obvious in your voice when a low chuckle comes from in front of you. 'Shit...I'm cornered aren't I...' 

As you begin to sort through the options you have the man behind you lets out a muffled yell jolting you into deep confusion. "What the fuck?" You hear the man in front of you taken out and suddenly find yourself very anxious over what the hell you have gotten yourself into. "Y/N what the hell are you doing all the way out here?" 

It's him?? 'Oh no...' Aizawa slowly emerges from the darkness with a confused expression and two villains tied up in his scarf-like weapon. "I honestly have no idea." You admit quietly unable to process enough to make up a witty lie. 'I think I followed you...' your mind says tempting your tongue with the full truth which instead you bite it. "um I'm gonna go home now." 

You go to turn around and head out of the alleyway when his hand reaches out to grasp your arm. Instantly you feel the kitsune rear up inside you and the fangs from earlier are the first physical signs of that than your tails shoot back at him and your eyes errupt in hearts. 'HE TOUCHED ME!' Your eyesight gets blurry and you stumble. 

"Y/N I will walk you home. You seem a bit...shaken." He says to you quietly and you can't help the crashing worry that he is already weirded out by you. your eyes flash to their usual color and you take a deep breath urging your tails to release him. "S-sorry I am use to taking walks at night but I think my quirk draws more attention than I'd normally get...that was a bit scary." You admit looking over at the two men who had cornered you earlier who seem now absolutely terrified themselves. 

"I'll call the cops for these assholes and walk you home alright? Or to the end of your street at least." He adds the second part worried that your hesitation may be in him learning where you live. "I don't wanna be the reason your workday is messed up though..." You fidget with one of your tails nerves coiling themselves in your tummy at the mere thought of being an inconvenience. 

"Please, it's my job. Anyways what if those pretty tails of yours catch the eye of a real predator hm?" And with that he yanks the men to their feet and starts pushing them toward the street where you can already hear sirens. You're blushing completely fixated on the fact he just called your tails pretty and seems to care if you were to get caught in the claws of someone else. The kitsune part of you twirls and spins on the idea of this being because he wants you for himself and right now you allow the thoughts to spin happy little circles around your heart...maybe it's okay to indulge in them for just right now.

You lean against the wall of a rundown building behind Aizawa for a few minutes and when the squad car pulls up you can't help but sink into yourself a bit. It's not that you've ever really been in trouble with the law personally but being around them has always made you feel a bit uneasy. While Aizawa explains what happened you find yourself listening in. 

"These two thought it would be a bright idea to deal some pot before trying to track down this innocent bystander. I believe very much that they had malicious intent. I will be escorting her to her home and then head to you later on tonight with the official paperwork for their capture." You marvel at how he can make such an intense situation seem so simple. You stare at him wondering how long he's been doing this job wondering when he sleeps and if he has any hobbies...a partner....Instantly your heart comes crashing into your stomach...he could have a partner...he's so private after all. what if he really is just nice to you because it is his job. 

"Come on L/N I will be escorting you home now." You bite your lip to fight the sadness you feel deeply upon hearing him use your last name once again as if you were strangers. The cop gets into his car and speeds away in your opinion much quicker than necessary. "Yes Mr.Aizawa, thank you for doing this." You reply eyes fixed on the sidewalk ahead worried if you look at him he may see how hurt you are. 

"Uh I only called you by your last name because of the authorities." He chuckles and your heart stutters. "Oh uh sorry totally thought I pissed you off." You smile and scratch behind one of your perked up ears. "I do seriously want to know what you were doing all the way out here. I noticed you behind my tracks some time ago." His eyes fall to the side assessing your face for any give away but all he sees there is fear. "Sometimes I like walking at night but today I kinda just spaced I guess. Sorry if I seemed kinda sketchy..."

Aizawa chuckles again bringing a small smile to your lips as comfort washes over you. "You're somethin else lil fox. We are about three miles from your cafe I hope for your sake that wherever you live is close by there." Your head tilts confused about why that would matter at all. "I'll admit three miles is a long way for me on one way stroll." You dare to look up only to find his eyes are on you instead of facing forward like you'd expected. Of course a blush erupts across your cheeks and you find yourself praying that the low humming street lights don't give off enough illumination that he can see it. 

While your eyes are pointedly fixed on the ground beneath your feet his are still on you only now there's a light smirk on his lips. "So do I get to know anything about my hero of the night?" He looks down caution clouding his eyes. "What would you like to know?" You bite your lip sorting through the seemingly hundreds of questions and decide you want to avoid the partner one until last minute you choose delulu. 

"How the hell do you handle two of the most demanding jobs of all time?" You ask curiously still feeling in awe of how hard a worker he must be seeing as how clearly he takes the hero part seriously unlike some of the heroes you've seen interviewed on live tv before. "I enjoy working it keeps the mind busy. Besides that teaching doesn't always pay the way you'd think it should." You nod understanding just how much public opinion could change things like that for hero school. "Not very secure to rely on then hm?" He nods "Exactly but I've gotta say there's this little coffee shop filled to the ceiling with plants. That place has been propping me up lately." You smile and blush crimson at his flattery. "I'm always happy to serve you Mr.Shota Aizawa." 

Aizawa sighs quietly on accident. Hearing you say something like that directly to him has a little craving for possession beginning to rear its head. He's very taken aback by how physical the response to you turns and moves his hands to fold politely in front of his waist. You don't notice a thing still reeling on the fact that he really likes your coffee shop...maybe he could like you too?

"Do you like have a partner?" You blurt out before smacking a hand over your reddening face. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer that if it's too personal I'm just nosy!" You force an awkward and anxious little laugh and wish with every part of yourself that the earth would simply swallow you up. "Not me. I don't usually date Y/N." You bite your lip at the curt response. "Oh...that makes sense. You're so busy!" You exclaim forcing another laugh. He wonders what your real laugh would sound like.

"Sorry if that was weird..." you finally say after a long pause that for you was filled with anxiety while he wonders if you caught the fact he added the word "usually." You've always seemed so attentive to his words. "And you? Someone waiting for you in a few blocks?" You snort a dark laugh. "Not with my quirk. I chase everyone away." Your honest response has him feeling excited. He is finding he really enjoys learning about you. "I see. Your quirk doesn't seem so bad to me." He says before slowly and ever so tenderly touching behind your fox ear; dragging his finger up the fuzzy soft backside of it slowly. 

The touch makes you shiver in pleasure and causes a love-struck look to light your pretty features. He bites his lip before dropping his hand and looking forward abruptly. 'There's a fucking reason you don't date. Get your shit together.' His monologue scolds but the memory of that look in your eyes...he wants to explore what other faces he could have you making for him. 'Only me.' He thinks to himself gritting his teeth together.

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