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"Y/N?" He can hear your heavy breathing and worry punches him in the gut. "I'm so sorry but I might be followed by the guy my mom wants me to marry and I didn't get good vibes. Shota I'm scared." You admit this quietly your feet not really willing to move as your instincts take over. Freeze is not your usual reaction to panic inducing situations but the thought of leaving the safety of your alleyway has turned you to a statue.

 "Where are you?" His tone is stern and intimidating causing you to pull even further into yourself. "Um in an alley." Aizawa's breathing intensifies as he rushes to his car. You have no idea what is happening on his end but he is fully ready to come get you. "It's important that I know your exact location." His tone is still stern but you can tell he is trying to stifle his intensity a bit.

"I can send it!" You exclaim remembering that is a function on phones. "Good girl." He replies without thinking while pulling out of the UA parking lot. It fills you with a huge determination to do whatever he may want of you. "I sent it. Are you sending the cops? Will they be mad at me?" Aizawa huffs a little laugh of astonishment. "Y/N I am coming to get you and I am the furthest one can be from angry. I want you safe." 

Your heart swells with emotion and tears begin to prickle at your eyes. You hear footsteps again and shift instantly hiding behind a very not great smelling pile of trash bags. You see the sillouette of two men and push your paw down on the hang up button worried he may call out for you and give away your hiding spot. 

"We shoudln't have to go on a fucking fox hunt at two in the morning all because he wants some fucking hero babies." A man scoffs upon entering the alleyway slowly coming toward you. "Pros gotta pay. They tend to prefer their family name be continued as if it's a prideful act. Hero mommy's make mistakes though asking favors from the wrong kind of people. I think it's a fun way to play with their heads." You slink deeper into the trash holding your breath the best you can unsure of their quirks you want your scent and your sounds to be as indistinguishable as possible. 

You look over at the street just in time to see Aizawa's car pull up. Without hesitation you dart toward it than through the hot underside singing a bit of your fur and the moment he opens his door you jump in. trembling horribly he looks over to the alleyway back at you filthy and terrified and drives off without a word. It stays silent like that for a few minutes and eventually you stop quivering the adrenaline slowly ebbing. 

"Will you turn back so we can talk please?" You shake your head to his question "I can't I left my clothes...and my phone..." Your reply is but a whisper and sounds a bit odd from your fox mouth. "Your voice is different when you look this way. I like it but not like your usual voice. If I give you a coat will you come back to me?" You look up your eyes shining brightly in the darkness of his car green and red bounces off your fur from the cars controls and finally you nod. "I'll pull over and we can get you comfortable." 

He does as promised pulling into somewhere you don't see hardly any headlights. He powers off the car so that you are  cloaked in darkness he removes his sweatshirt and turns it over to your. Morphing back ends up being a bit more difficult than expected your quirk resisting the change as a protective measure. It's when you smell his shirt that you snap back into yourself. 

"I'm so sorry. You didn't have to do this...but I'm so glad you did." AIzawa sighs deeply causing you to get anxious. "Y/N I am so fucking glad you called me. I've never seen you scared like that. The fear in your eyes when you jumped in here...I could kill whoever caused that." He grips his steering wheel tightly before shaking his head handing you a cig and lighting one for each of you. "I am glad you're safe now." You take the smoke gratefully and stare out the windshield. "Does anyone know where you live besides me? Please be honest. This is seriously important for your safety." 

"No Sir, no one knows but you. Not even my mother knows because well I didn't trust her. Glad I listened to my instincts and not societal standards on that one." You say with a small choked laugh. "Good thinking on your part. I'll have to go back to the school at some point..." Aizawa sighs and drags a hand across his tired eyes. "I really am sorry I interrupted your work. You're the only person I have honestly..." You trail off pulling your knees to your chest and resting your chin on them. 

"Y/N I really wish you would stop apologizing. My co-workers have everything well under control at the school." You nod and let out a sigh "I'm glad we met." You say quietly hoping you're not being too weird by admitting that. "I am too little fox." He replies looking over at you from the side of his eyes you notice the smirk playing at his lips and blush at how attractive he is to you. 

"I think it's safe for us to head back to your place now. I will retrieve your phone after I take you to the end of the street that your apartment building is on. Turn into a fox and go home. You're things will arrive at your front door with four gentle knocks. I will have to leave immediately so please don't linger at the door." He explains the safety plan he has thought up and you stare in awe. "Um how are you going to get my stuff to me exactly?" You ask wondering how he could possibly know which apartment was yours. 

"Just trust me okay?" You nod obediently already trusting him with your life you're sure you can trust him with your things. He never ceases to intrigue you and this situation has proven to have that effect as well. "You're really amazing Shota Aizawa." He smiles at the compliment before pulling out of the secluded spot and driving in the direction of the park and ultimately your apartment building. "That's where he showed up first." You say pointing out the window to the playground you'd been enjoying until he showed up. 

"Thank you for informing me. I will certainly have eyes out for this prick." You can see his jaw is tightly clenched and his eyes sharp as blades. "Aizawa...I'm kinda scared to go home..." You finally admit earning you a small nod from your beloved. "I'm not wild about you going either. I will check in after taking care of my responsibilities but I don't know exactly when that will be. Call me if anything at all seems off. I'd rather you be wrong than kidnapped." 

"I couldn't..." the glare he gives you cuts the end of your sentence clear off. "Let me protect you if not fir any other reason at least let me because I'm a pro hero." His words cut you in a way you were not expecting so in your vulnerable state tears  streak down your cheeks. "I hate being an  inconvenience...I'll understand if you want to cancel our date...." 

"Y/N please give me a chance to show you that you can take up space and not be punished for it. Now do you need me to turn my head for you to shift into fox form? I need to know what you're comfortable with." You look up at him in absolute throbbing love with him. 'You have no idea you just healed a piece of my heart.' you think to yourself staring into his beautiful grey eyes. "No but open your door and smoke so it looks less weird." You shift instantly not waiting for his response and untangle yourself from his sweatshirt wishing very much that you could take it with you. "I will see you soon." His words are a promise followed by a little determined nod making you wonder if he's saying it more to himself than you before getting out he rubs your fox head ever so softly sending you onto cloud nine...and kitsune wants to nip his fight the urge off.

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