Invitations welcome and not

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A/N: FOr the texting part wat I did is wen u see *words in stars* that is what they're physically doing and the // is to show the seperation between text and physical action. Just didnt want any1 to get confused bc it's a lil different! Also thx so so much 4 reading my story!

After that he resumes his every other day schedule of visiting. A week turns to a month somehow and during that time you both get to know each other better. Unfortunately every week your mother visits as well. Still attempting to convince you into this ridiculous marriage with a man she has continuously failed to name though you do know how much he makes in his position as a CEO businessman. She tends to avoid when Aizawa is present giving you a much needed break from her voice, but you worry in the way her tone has been shifting that she may begin her cruelty as a tactic the way she did before. 

You and him both thoroughly enjoy spending time together and tonight is no different. It's drawing near to closing time and he lingers a bit at your counter though his eyes are tired his tone is lively as he discusses his plans for summer "camp" that you find near barbaric. Not able to understand how training sun up sun down could possibly be a fun way to spend the summer.

You shake your head telling him how ridiculous he is before heading to the back with a few dishes you need to clean. You are grinning as you clean feeling elated your body buzzing with your quirk so active while you two talk it's nearly a high in and of itself, but when you come back from the kitchen area you find he has left. 'You didn't say goodbye...' your mind whines sadly and your emotions plummet into a deep sadness.

You fight back tears and head over to his table only to find he's left his number on a napkin. You squeal and hug it to your chest upon looking at it closer you can see in the lighting that there's writing on the back! The back reads, "If interested in a date with me text this number when you get home." Your mind just completely glitches and kitsune flares so brightly you for the first time in your life accidentally morph into full fox mode without controlling it. Embarrassed by your own outburst you morph back and pull back on your clothes as quickly as possible. You pick the napkin up from the floor putting it securely in your bra.

You consider many times while finishing up texting him before leaving but you want so very badly to do as he has said. So much of you is already his; possibly your entire being if you're completely honest. "I'll be good for you." You say to the Aizawa in your mind while getting everything ready for tomorrow. Finally you are able to leave. Once out on the sidewalk you literally break out into a run unable to wait any longer. 

Upon arrival you type his number into your contacts under the name Beloved and immediately dive into messaging.

Y/N: Hey! I'd LOVE to go on a date with you!! 10:00pm // *Deletes everything*

Y/N: I feel so honored that you asked me! Of course I'd love to go on a date with you! 10:00pm // *deletes everything*

Y/N: Hey Shota it's me Y/N! 😸 10:01pm // *Send*

Beloved: I'm glad you accepted my offer Y/N. It is a long weekend for me and I'd like to take you out to dinner. How does Monday or Friday sound? 10:02 // *waits with your messages open*

Y/N: Either works for me! 10:02// *deletes everything and stares at phone dazed*

 Y/N: I've never really taken a day off for fun so why don't we do Friday. 10:04pm // *sends while chewing lip*

Beloved: Great. I will see you in a few days. Work has me completely booked until then so unfortunately you won't see me until that evening. Be ready for me dressed up at 5pm on Friday. I'll pick you up at your apartment building. 10:05pm // *Puts phone down during the meeting he's in.*

Y/N: I'll miss you. 10:05 // *deletes everything. Excitedly paces around apartment*

Y/N: I can't wait! 10:06pm // *presses send. Closes phone. stares at it intently hoping for another message.*

It is only Tuesday and by the way you excitedly pace back and forth you know it will be a rough few days. You pace and pace until the feeling of being caged becomes far too overwhelming. You head down the stairs and out onto the sidewalk where you light a cigarette. 'such a bad example Mr.Shota Aizawa.' you think to yourself as you take a drag breathing him in. You had stayed away from them for a little while but as you missed him more and more upon seeing his exact brand at a store you couldn't deny yourself the chance to smell something that reminded you so much of your beloved. 

You head towards the park thinking only of him. Not unusual considering just how in love with him you are. That's what this feeling is isn't it? Obsession and lust mingle inside you dancing an intoxicating tango inside your heart. You find your way to the park and sit down on the swing most shrouded in shadow as to hopefully not be seen by anyone who may be patrolling the area. 

As you swing you fantasize about your beloved and what you might be able to wear to the date. You decide only about 20 minutes in that you will definitely need to buy yourself an outfit for the occasion. You find yourself wishing you had a best friend like so many that you had gone to school with...You are in way over your head here having never really been on a proper date let alone with a man 13 years or so your senior. Your heart drops at the realization that he's probably been on tons of dates with far more successful people than you. Your mother's insults about your failure to become something "important" slither in sinking their venom into your happy little heart. 

Your eyes tear up and sorrow tugs at your heart."Maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up...maybe he only wants to fuck...not keep me." You sniffle and look up at the trees still swinging you begin to slowly come to a stop. "I wanted him to keep me." You whimper pathetically up to the sky. When suddenly you hear footsteps behind you. In a flash you are off the swing and headed toward the street not hesitating when the kitsune instincts pick up on something fishy going on.

"Fancy seeing you here. What you doing out so late at night hm?" A voice you've never heard before bounces off the silence in a nearly deafening way. "Um yea dude I have no idea who you are but that's hella creepy. I'm out." You say walking away and into the lights on the street. You hear footsteps following you but instead of looking behind you you decide to slip into an alleyway dark as the night sky and shift into your fox form. You climb up a fire escape so you can have a birds eye view only to find a man wearing what appears to be a plague doctor mask standing in clear confusion. 

"DOn't worry Y/N we'll be seeing each other again. Your mother got herself ina situation only you can get her out of." He chuckles darkly waiting for a moment before shrugging and walking away. You wait for at least twenty minutes trying to figure out what his words could possibly mean for you. You process that he must be the man your mother has been trying to get you to marry but can't for the life of of you figure out what she could've gotten herself into...maybe you should tell Aizawa about this exchange. He's a hero surely he'd have some solid advice for you!

You go back down to where you left your clothes and phone in such a rush to be a fox they lay in a clumsy pile next to a dumpster. Not exactly your favorite moment of today...You pull back on your clothes and still feeling panicked you pull up AIzawa's contact. You stare at it for a solid 30 chewing a hole into your lip as you debate whether or not it's okay to call him. Realizing there's a solid chance that guy could be waiting for you to emerge from this alleyway you hit the call button and try hard to breathe.

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