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A/N: https://twitter.com/komatsuna_502/status/1617144352404561920 is the artist of this amazing piece of artwork!

Electric waves of desire, happiness and excitement flood your veins at the slightest touch of his finger. You completely blank for a few moments on what exactly you'd been talking about in the first place. "Uh-um yea my quirk isn't the worst honestly. My ex would set fire to shit in uncontrollable anger so def could be worse." Aizawa snorts at the fact you just said 'def' and suddenly he realizes... "So how old are you anyways? You run a business by yourself from the looks of it but you seem so young." 

You consider lying to sound cool but decide it best to just be as honest with him as possible until he inevitably runs away...maybe if it happens sooner rather it won't hurt as much. "I'm seventeen for a couple more months." Aizawa sighs to himself and you wonder if you've pissed him off more by telling the truth meanwhile he's considering that though you are legal here would that make it appropriate? He quickly decides absolutely not and swears to himself he will be keeping whatever this is completely platonic. Of course he has many colleagues that have picked up younger women but it always seemed for show and they always ended badly...suddenly he is lost in thought about remaining single until a villain takes him out.

"What do your parents feel about that?" He awkwardly asks hoping if he can make you seem more like a student at UA in his mind than this creeping need for you will retreat. "Uh they hate me soooo I'm not missed even a little bit." He nods solemnly honestly feeling proud of you for not turning to villainy like most kids who have a quirk shunned by their families. "This society isn't very kind to people who are different. I carved my way through silently but my popularity points are extremely low." He admits with a chuckle when you realize you are now passing the coffee shop. 

"Oh! We are almost to my place." You announce ears perking up. "Excellent, I can escort you to the door or stop here that is up to you." You nod and simply keep walking hoping that's enough for him to just follow...which he does. The little bit of the walk you guys have left is done in silence. He has a lot to think about. 'You can't keep this one.' He scolds himself but the protective and possessive urges bite at him incessantly. "This is my building...would you like to come in for some tea?" You ask awkwardly unsure of how to navigate this situation. "I'm not sure that'd be appropriate." A silence falls between you two and slowly you take a step forward with a big deep breath neither of you really wanting to part. "Right then um stay safe out there please." 

Aizawa half smiles liking the way your words feel before turning and waving. "I'll be seeing you around." He promises more to himself as reassurance than to you but the words send you to cloud nine instantly and you find yourself floating up to your apartment. You shut the door and take a deep breath dreamily thinking of his beautiful red eyes..meanwhile he notes from across the street exactly which apartment door is yours. He charts your movements by the lights you turn on and after a little bit of observing reluctantly goes about the rest of his work night.

Eventually after writing about everything that happened this evening and trying over and over to decipher what he meant by it being inappropriate to accompany you upstairs your body begins to succumb to exhaustion. You end up passing out at your desk on top of your old laptop. Dreaming of him saving you over and over throughout the night until finally you awaken an entire hour late for work.


You rush quickly through your morning routine brushing your teeth roughly and dressing in a cropped black sweater paired with a school girl theme skirt you bought recently as a rebellious middle finger to your upbringing. You throw on your trusty ol' combat boots and rush out the door. Practically running you head to the coffee shop tails completely gone as panic rushes through your veins. "I am so sorry Sir!" You exclaim to whoever is standing outside of your shop not registering at all who it is. "I will get everything up and running now and if you'd like you can pick a pastry on the house for the wait." 

Once your apron is tied on you turn to the first customer as a couple more trickle in you are frozen for a moment. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure you had a busy evening." You blush and your tails reappear immediately. "Oh hello Mr.Aizawa. What can I get for you today?" You fidget with your hair a bit hoping you don't look a complete mess in front of your desired one. "Same as yesterday please." You nod ringing him up and as always watch him head to his spot. Seeing him so soon is such a pleasant surprise. 

You ring up the other people who all end up requesting theirs as to go orders while Aizawa angrily scolds himself for coming here again. Telling himself how disappointed he feels in his blatant lack of self control. He'd been so sure he could leave you be from now on but the moment he arose from his nap he couldn't help himself. Groggily he had pulled himself along the sidewalk straight to you. Then when he'd seen you weren't here he'd become instantly concerned wondering if he shouldn't have left you last night hoping he'd not make a mistake by allowing you space from his eyes. Seeing you without tails this morning was quite curious and he finds himself wanting to understand your quirk very badly. The tails had reappeared when  you saw him and he wondered if that was a good or bad sign.

"Hello Mr.Aizawa would you be interested in a refill?" You ask standing in front of his table your voice pulls him from his thoughts and he looks sleepily over at your nervously twitching little frame. 'always so fidgety with me.' He mentally notes. "Yes please Y/N. I am glad you seem to be doing alright after last nights ordeal." 

"I am very grateful that you saved me. I seriously owe you one." You reply before chewing your lip nervously as you pour his coffee. "Uh..." You trail off unsure if you should say anything at all but he's looking up at you eyes pressing on every nerve ending in your body heat erupts as embarrassment floods your system. "I'm sorry if offering tea last night was out of line. I wanted to thank you and wasn't sure how. I could see how a pro hero walking into a random chicks house may be a bit odd though and potentially even risky. I really am sorry I put you in an awkward position."

You add a respectful little bow to the end of your apology hoping it will be enough to make him see how regretful you are for being so dumb. He didn't know that it was your following him that got you both in that situation but in your heart you were apologizing for that as well. "It would be very risky for me to follow just any vixen into their den but that is not why I turned you down. I appreciated the offer all the same though." He replies before looking down at his phone for a moment. Your cheeks are red again he likes how cute you are. Seemingly oblivious to the tail you have that touches his leg any time you come near him and how you blush at nearly everything he has to say. Was it nerves or flirtation? You were very hard for him to read sometimes.

"So why did you turn me down?" You ask but the conversation is cut short by a family walking in with two very upset children whining about how hungry they are. Annoyance paints your face in a scowl for a moment before turning to greet the new customers. Aizawa side smiles amused at your quick mood shifts. 'So easily distracted by feelings.' he notes to himself. While you go to receiving their orders and showing the kids your character cookies he slips away telling himself distance between you two is what would be best. He can't justify pulling you into this ridiculous life he lives. 

No one likes to be a secret. 

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