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After only about ten minutes of you being home he'd delivered your things along with something extra...his sweatshirt. He had hoped it would bring you some comfort as a promise he'd return. Leaving your door was so difficult for him he really needed that visual promise for himself as well. Sitting with the other teachers discussing things like security and secrecy for the students whereabouts as summer drew near and how they'd recently seen a villain on the grounds...he couldn't hardly focus. 

He tries hard not to drift off when suddenly All Might slams his fist down onto the table and yells at him to take this seriously. "I am taking this as seriously as you are just some of us actually work. Constantly." Aizawa's eyes are narrowed and genuinely defensive as if he may actually care that he's been yelled at. 'Just hurry it up already.' his mind grumbles in frustration knowing full well talking about this will not protect the children only action will, and no one liked his idea.

Mic sighs tiredly from across the room actually showing his true feelings for once. "I think Aizawa was right. We could talk for hours but as school personnel and not parents we have no way of protecting them the way we need to." Midnight speaks up next adding that dorms would be unbearably complicated for them to juggle...and parents could always turn them down. 

By the end of the meeting no agreements are able to be made and Principle Nezu gets himself a cup of tea in order to decompress from the high stress levels. Feeling absolutely drained mentally Aizawa is finally released from the prison that is school. Something he never thought growing up he'd have to deal with as an adult. As soon as he is out of sight from the other teachers his pace quickens and continues to pick up until he is nearly running to his car. Upon getting in he realizes it is in fact four in the morning. 

He is positive you are asleep by now but can't deny himself at the very least a drive by to see if your lights are on or if your little shadow is pacing the room you typically keep lit up. His worry slowly begins to cloud his judgement as he considers different ways he could potentially break in to see you. He knows it's absurd the longing jolts him to realize he has never once felt this intensely for another human being before,  and instead of scaring him like before...he's starting to like the creeping obsession in his heart for you.

TO his surprise he finds you leaning half out of your window smoking a cigarette. He considers driving away and allowing you some space but the pull to see you is too great. "I promised." He says it as justification for showing up at your door. Once up the stairs he knocks four times in the exact way he had before and to his surprise you are at the door far quicker than he'd thought would be possible for you. "Hello Y/N, I am so glad you're safe." You look so worn out as if you've been running and your body is slumping slightly. "I can't sleep. Want a smoke?" You offer him holding out a cigarette so he can share the moment with you. 

"Are you inviting me inside than?" You nod eyes glazed with exhaustion meet his and for a moment you're fully at peace. "I'm sorry I'm kind of a mess but at least my house isn't. I cleaned a lot earlier." You babble on so quietly he is hardly able to hear. "You have to come by the window to smoke though probably should've warned you." Aizawa thinks of how you were half out of said window just a few minutes ago and wonders just how reckless you get with yourself when he's not around. 

"Are you alright?" He finally asks when you slump against the wall directly beside the window. "Uh not exactly. I'll be fine though just tired." Your reply is bland unlike your usual long explanations and it has not gone under his radar. "Y/N you're in a very stressful situation right now. It's okay and understandable for you to feel panicked about it." You sigh and light yet another cigarette not usually a chain smoker it makes your head feel a bit cloudy. "I'll be fine." 

He shakes his head throwing the last bit of his cigarette out before snatching yours and doing the same he pulls you to the bed and your heart starts racing frantically 'I dunno if I'm ready!' Your mind is in full panic mode and just as your breathing begins to heavily pick up its pace he reassures you.

"I can sit on the couch or I can lay with you but you need to sleep. You're nearly falling over. Will my being here help you or make it worse? Tell me what you need." His words turn to a heartfelt plead to just be able to help you and you can see the concern in his eyes. The gaze is pulling hard at your heart strings. "Please be against my back...I keep thinking there's someone there but when I look there isn't. I can trust you." He nods pulling the string on your lamp and you and he lie on the bed. He's so tall that he is nearly going off of it but he doesn't mind at all just grateful that he finally gets to hold you, even if it is because you are frightened. He finally gets to touch his pet.

You crash within minutes but he stays awake for a little while just staring at your body rising and falling slightly with each quiet breath you take. His heart is so full it could burst. What does this event mean for the both of you? He'd had Gran Torino swing by a few hours ago and skirted the accusation in the elders voice about how it was odd he'd not have the authorities check on you instead. You had to be his little secre but could you handle that type of life? Could he handle that type of pressure? He was sure of it...but you really shouldn't have to hide that way. 

'Please just stay.' He thinks to himself as he drifts off into a restless slumber filled with dreams of you being taken from him in various different ways all of which he'd experienced with friends before you. The rough night serves as a reminder of why he doesn't date but leaving you now would be throwing you to a wolf he wasn't sure you'd you both have decisions to make, but tonight you will rest.

AizawaXreader (yandere y/n)Where stories live. Discover now