001- Just a Little High

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Dorthea Hopper had lived with her dad for the last seven years. Her mom begged her to come live with her, but Teddy couldn't bear to be away from Hawkins for more than the two months she visited her mom in the summer. It was where her best friends lived, the people who had helped her get over the trauma her ten-year-old self had faced. 

It was now 1983, and Teddy was no longer focused on the troubles of her past. Most of the time she couldn't even remember what was happening in the present. She was numb to the world but was having fun, and that's what mattered. To her at least. 

On this specific morning, Teddy struggled to wake her dad up who had drunk the night away still tormented by his past. Once he finally sat up, there was a honk at the door signaling to her that her friends were here to pick her up for school. She grabbed her dad's pack of cigarettes pocketing them for herself, and placed a kiss on his forehead as he was still half asleep. 

"You have work," Dorthea said harshly. "I can't believe, I have to be the mature one out of the two of us."

Hopper lightly smiled at his daughter. "Get out of here, Dorthea."

She didn't have to be told twice, knowing as soon as he realized she had stolen his cigarettes he would be royally pissed. She quickly headed out the door and made her way to Lane Henderson's car, who was glaring at her through the window. 

"Get in! We're going to be late," he complained, as she opened the door. 

This caused her to move even more slowly, as she smiled at the boy. From the front passenger seat, a hand stuck out dragging her in. 

"Come on, bitch," groaned Cleo Harrington, Teddy's best friend. 

The girl smiled, finally moving and buckling herself in as Lane sped off towards the school. "What are you doing here? I thought your brother was driving to school."

"He left like super early this morning," Cleo said, leaning her head back onto the headrest. "He's in love with some sophomore, and won't shut up about it."

"Sophomore?" Teddy asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Nancy Wheeler," Lane responds, not taking his eyes off the road. 

Teddy's eyes widen at the idea, her heart slightly dropping in her chest. "Huh, I thought she was into nerds. No offense to your brother, but he's a dumbass."

"What can I say," Cleo smiled. "My brother's got a game."

As they pulled into the school, Teddy shrugged her bag on walking to her and Cleo's first class. She was dreading actually sitting through the class, but she knew at lunchtime, Eddie would have more stuff for her to stop worrying so much. Cleo noticed the anxiousness of her friend but made no comment. They never really talked about the stuff that was bothering them, not unless they were high and had no filter. It was better to wait until after school where they could finally discuss things in peace.  

By the time it got to lunch, Teddy was itching for a cigarette that she didn't even wait until she made it to the bleachers to light one up. When she got there, Eddie, Lane, and Cleo were already there diving up their lunch between the three of them leaving an apple for for Teddy as that was usually all she ate. 

Eddie was the first to notice the dirty blonde girl, giving her a goofy smile. "The queen has arrived."

Teddy took a bow before plopping herself down on the ground and blowing a few rings. "What do you have for me today, Ed?"

"The good stuff," he said handing her a tiny bag of cocaine. 

Teddy placed the bag in her backpack, leaving it for later whenever she was home. She had her dad's cigarettes to hold her over for now. After finishing the one she had, she stamped it out and turned back to her friends. 

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