008- It's All Coming Together

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Steve and Teddy walked over to his car. Tommy, Carol, and Nicole were already standing there, sitting against the car waiting for the boy. As they got closer, Carol glared at Teddy, obviously mad that Teddy had "followed" the boy. She kept quiet, waiting for her boyfriend to make the first move. And he didn't waste a second. 

"Dude, why is she with you?" Tommy groaned. 

Steve just held out his hand towards the boy, "Give me the keys, let's go."

Carol crossed her arms as Tommy did what Steve said. "I'm not going anywhere with her."

"We're just dropping her off," Steve rolled his eyes. "You don't even have to sit next to her. You Tommy, and Nicole sit in the back. Or better yet the three of you stay here."

"Stay here and do what?" Carol chided. 

"Jesus, Carol, I don't give a shit. Either get in the car or don't. It's not gonna be long."

Steve and Teddy hopped into the car, and the other three backed up towards the sidewalk, each carrying a very similar frown on their faces. Teddy ignored it, hoping that Jonathan and Nancy were okay, and also hoping they hadn't ratted her out. Especially if the police had found Jonathan's car and what was in it. 

Steve backed up, also ignoring his friends. They'd always had petty arguments over Teddy and Cleo. Steve never minded the two of them being around, they were chill and didn't do anything. Sometimes they were annoying, but so was everyone else. Tommy and Carol on the other hand always hated that they were joining in. Saying they were just losers. Well, that was until Steve got in a fistfight with Tommy their sophomore year when Tommy had gone too far and spit in Cleo's face. They didn't pick on the two girls much after that, but they still refused to be around them. 

The whole way to the police station was silent. Steve wanted to apologize for Teddy's hands again but knew she would just chastise him again for letting Tommy spray paint the movie theater. So it was just better to stay silent. Once they pulled up to the station, Teddy hopped out of the car, barely waiting for Steve to fully stop. 

"Hey, hey, hey," Steve called out to her, slamming on the brakes, and rolling the window down. 

Teddy didn't even turn around. "Go back to your friends, Steve."

"Are you going to be okay?"

Teddy rolled her eyes turning to Steve, "I'm fine. Just leave, okay? Check on Cleo for me. and think about what you did."

Teddy turns right back around and stomps into the police station. However, she doesn't just find Jonathan and Nancy, but her dad and Ms. Byers. 

"Well, shit."

After debriefing Hopper and Ms. Byers on everything that they discovered, Jonathan and Byers stepped out of the room. Hopper turns to his daughter, and Nancy excuses herself to the restroom. Teddy turns away from her father, staring out the window,  hoping he won't say anything. Or at least that he wouldn't scream at her. 

"How the heck did you get involved in this mess? I specifically took you to your friends so you would stay out of whatever is happening in this town," Hopper demands. 

Teddy shrugs, not turning to him. 

"Come on use your words. Why would you run into danger, Dorothea?"

Teddy rolls her eyes but doesn't answer. Hopper steps closer, grabbing his daughter's arms. She looks up at him, but instead of seeing anger, his eyes are full of regret. 

"Dorothy, I just want you to be safe-"

"I can take care of myself, Dad," Teddy shrugs him off. "Let's not do this right now. Okay? You haven't cared about what I'm doing for years, don't start now."

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