016- RadioShack

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Cleo sat behind the football field's bleachers, smoking the last of the cocaine that Eddie had given her this morning. His supply was running low, and Cleo was starting to get antsy. It was mostly her fault that he was running low, she was smoking more than she ever had to forget everything. It wasn't just Teddy that was bothering her. Nor was it her relationship with Steve. But for once in her life last year, Cleo had felt needed, like she wasn't just her brother's sidekick as he liked to joke. Eleven had quickly become like a little sister to Cleo, and the fact that she was gone killed her, even after only knowing her for a couple of days. She just wanted to be needed again. 

After finishing her smoke, Cleo stepped out from behind the bleachers to watch all the kids in PE run around like weirdos, when she noticed Nancy heading over to Jonathan's car. If Teddy was getting better, Cleo wanted to know how to too, and Nancy seemed like the best option. 

Cleo made her way over to the girl, making her presence known, by brushing up past her, and walking next to her. "Hey."

"Oh, Cleo... um hi. What's up?"

"I just..." Cleo paused, as she saw Nancy's eyes. They were red either from crying or from a hangover. Maybe both. "Are you okay?"

Nancy gave her a small smile. "Yeah. I'm just... trying to figure something out- Actually, stick with me, you might be able to fill some things in too."

Cleo smiled an actual smile. This was perfect. "Okay, cool. Let's figure this out then."

The two girls quickly found Jonathan sitting on the hood of his car eating cans of Pringles. Nancy hopped up next to him, and Cleo stood next to her, just leaning on the hood. Nancy quickly explained the situation she was in. Telling them about the fight that she and Steve had. Cleo tensed when Nancy told them how Steve said that she had thought that Steve was in love with Teddy and not her. Nancy noticed and turned to the girl. 

"I'm not sure why I said it, I'm not accusing your brother of cheating," Nancy said, misreading the look on Cleo's face. 

Cleo brushed her off, "Right. Yeah. No... continue."

As Nancy finished, she turned to Jonathan. "So he asked you to take me home?"

Jonathan looked at Cleo, realizing that he had been caught in a lie, but not sure what to do. Cleo nodded. As much as she hated her brother sometimes, feeding into the idea that he had left without so much as a second thought towards her AND that he had taken Teddy home. Was not the greatest idea. 

"Yeah," he finally let out. "Yeah, he was upset. I mean he was... he was really upset. But he was still worried about you."

Nancy turned away from the two of them, staying silent and pouting. 

Jonathan turned towards her. "Hey. You need to cut yourself some slack, okay? People say stupid things when they're wasted. You know, things that they don't mean."

"Yeah, but that's the thing. What if I did mean it?"

Mean which part?  Cleo thought. That you think my best friend should be with my brother just because you think your relationship is bullshit? 

"All this time I've been trying so hard to pretend like everything's fine, but it's not," Nancy continued. "I feel like there's this... I don't know, like this..."

"Like there's this weight you're carrying around with you. All the time," Jonathan finished. "I feel it, too."

"I third that," Cleo said softly. 

Nancy continued to look at Jonathan. "But it's different for you. Will came home."

"But not for me," Cleo said, and the two of them finally turned to her. "Eleven's gone, and she was like a sister to me even after two days... and Teddy... she's been different. So different. Just cause someone comes back doesn't mean they're the same as before." 

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