004- Pictures

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The next morning, Cleo jumped out of bed in a hurry. She threw Teddy's bag on her, waking the girl up, and ran down the stairs to grab some food. When she got back up the stairs, Teddy was just rolling out of bed, heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth. 

"Girl, hurry up, Steve is gonna leave without us."

Teddy groaned, throwing her shoes on, not bothering to change out of her pajamas. She'd probably end up skipping and just smoking behind the bleachers most of the day anyway, so it didn't matter what she wore, as long as she wore something. She grabbed her backpack and followed Cleo out of the room, and down to Steve's car who was already there looking agitated. As soon as the girls shut the door, he sped out of the driveway and towards the school. 

"Wow, slow down, Steven," Teddy said groggly. 

Steve looked back at the girl. "It's not my fault you guys slept in. I would have left you."

"I doubt that," Teddy said, closing her eyes, and laying back down in the car. Just a few more minutes of sleep, that's all she needed to get rid of this pounding headache. 

"By the way your dad called, and said you needed to be home tonight before he sent out a search party."

"Dude, shut up."

At that, they drove the rest of the way to school in silence. 

Just like, Teddy thought she couldn't bear to be in class that day as her head was killing her. So after the first period, she left, going to her normal spot under the bleachers. Already sitting there was Eddie, who seemed to be awaiting her presence. He smiled up at her when he finally saw her arriving and handed her an already-lit cigarette. 

"Rought day, already?" he asked lighting another for himself. 

Teddy shrugged, watching as the smoke left her mouth. "Pounding headache. Because of the love birds, we had to leave the music on most of the night."

"Wow, too much information, Ted," Eddie laughed. "You should join DND tonight, Lane's already backed out. Said he got dragged into the younger party's problems."


"Still. So you in or what?"

"No thank you, Ed." Teddy paused, "He really quit on you tonight?"

"Yeah, he's been antsy lately. I don't know. Do you know what's going on with the kid?"

"No, guess he's just over the kiddy games." Teddy bit her lip, looking off into the distance. 

Of course, she knew. She always did. No one could keep a secret from her for long, but she wasn't one to spill the beans. Especially with something like this. Eddie had been out to the group for a while, it'd been important for him to just be clear with us so we didn't find out later and ditch him. However, we all knew he still had a weird thing for Chrissy Cunningham and that's what had been bothering Lane recently. Not only did he like his best friend, but he hadn't come out to anyone but me yet, and while Eddie would accept him without a doubt, he didn't want to destroy that friendship because of his feelings. Though it seemed to be making him move farther rather than closer lately. 

Eddie nudged her as he moved to get up, "Well, I'll see you later. I actually need to go to the next class if I have any chance of passing."

Teddy smiled, throwing him a salute. "Sayonara, sucker."

As soon as the bell rang, releasing everyone from the prison that was school, Teddy headed to the parking lot ready to be taken home. When she got to the parking lot though, she saw Steve headed not toward his own car, but towards Jonthan's car. When she finally reached them, Jonathan had made his way over, looking just as confused as Teddy felt. 

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