011- Christmas Eve

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"I don't understand, doesn't your dad want you at the Christmas party?" Cleo asked as Lane drove them around the backroads of Hawkins. 

Teddy leaned against her friend's arm, closing her eyes and letting out a puff of smoke. "Are you kidding me? No! I've spent every Christmas Eve night with you guys the last three years!"

"What about the fact that we have no idea how late we are gonna be out?" Lane asked raising an eyebrow. 

Teddy shrugged, "He knows where I'm gonna be that's what matters.  You guys act like just because I've seen a monster like my dad is finally gonna care about me."

Lane reached back and punched the girl lightly, "Your dad cares."

"Ugh, can we stop talking? Just drive, we have to pick up your brother they're gonna be done soon." Teddy lifts her head off of Cleo, "Edward, why don't you ever invite the kids to you and Lane's Dumpy Dragon Campaigns?"

"Dungeons and Dragons!" Lane yells from the front seat. 

Eddie rolls his eyes to see the girls in the back, "Because, as you said, they are kids. They'll be in high school soon enough, and then they can join."

"But we won't be in high school," Cleo argues. 

Eddie shrugs. "Not my problem. I am not a babysitter and my campaigns are too intense for five-year-olds."

Teddy looks at Cleo with a smile, and whispers, "Little does he know."

Cleo slaps the girl on, "Hit the music! I'm not here to talk, I'm here to forget."

Lane immediately listens and turns up the music. Some metalhead song that Teddy didn't really care for. But she loved to see her friends happy. She closed her eyes and soaked in the moment. No monsters, just friends and a cigarette. This is how life should be. 

Cleo looks down at Teddy and smiles, leaning her own head on top. Teddy and Cleo hadn't left each other's side since Will got back, and Cleo couldn't have been happier. It was the best Christmas gift she could have asked for. 

Lane finally pulled into the Wheeler's driveway, and Teddy, Lane, and Cleo jumped out. Lane turned back to Eddie and raised an eyebrow, "Are you coming, Ed?"

"Nah, I doubt the Wheelers would appreciate me around their kids."

Lane looked at Teddy, who smiled. "Lane, we'll grab your brother. Don't leave poor Edward out in the cold by himself."

Teddy and Cleo snuck off before Lane could say anything and he just climbed back into the car. He would never make a move, but just being around Eddie by himself and being able to talk was nice. And he would be forever grateful to Teddy for sticking up for him, maybe he'd get that confidence. But not today. 

Cleo headed straight for the basement, but Teddy took a detour up to Nancy's room. Though Nance hadn't been to the Harringtons' since everything went down, Teddy and she still talked sometimes. Just to make sure the other was doing okay, and for Nancy to try and get her to stop smoking. But that was never gonna happen. 

Teddy knocked on the door, "You two better not be having sex 'cause I'm coming in!"

Nancy smiled up at the girl, heading straight to give her a hug, "Merry Christmas, Teddy!"

"Merry Christmas, Nance. Just wanted to say hi since we were picking up Dustin."

"Well, thanks for thinking of us."

Teddy smirked at the boy still lying on the bed, "Oh, I wasn't thinking about you. I'll see you later."

"Oh, I forgot it was your guys's Christmas tonight."

Teddy blew the boy a kiss. "Yep, be prepared for loud music all night!" She turned back to Nancy. "Well I'll see you at school, Cleo's probably waiting on me."

Teddy bounded down the stairs to see Dustin and Cleo waiting by the front door. Cleo opened the door, and Dustin headed out and then waited for her friend to walk out the door. Teddy was halfway out the door when Steve came running down the stairs. 

"Hey, Teddy, I forgot I have something for you." 

Teddy stepped back into the house, raising an eyebrow. "You can wait till you get back, we're both sleeping in the same house tonight."

"I know, but it's also from Nancy kinda, she's the one who gave me the picture. She said it kind of confused you, but she could tell you liked it."


Steve handed the girl a picture frame, and Teddy stared at the picture. It was the one that Jonathan had taken of them in the pool. The one she still knew how she felt about, especially as she looked at it with Steve watching her. 


Teddy smiled at the boy, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I love it, thanks."

Standing behind them, Cleo looked out towards the car, not wanting to watch the two of them interact anymore. Since that monster, Steve and Teddy had been so much more civil to each other and it bothered Cleo to no end. Steve had always seen Teddy as weird, but now there was something else. Friendship? Something else? Oh, Cleo hoped not. Teddy was her friend, not his. 

Teddy turned from Steve, and back to her friend and linked arms with her. "To your house! Eddie brought some weed, and I am ready to use it."

"We have to drop off Dusty first," Cleo smiled. 

Teddy sighed, "Fine! Let's go then."

Steve smiled after them, shutting the door behind them, and then walked up the stairs to Nancy. He laid back on the bed next to the girl and smiled. 

"What was that about?" She asked him. 

He shrugged, "Just a gift."

"Ooo what was it?"

"Oh just a picture of the two of us. Something I found, it was stupid."

Nancy smiled, "I'm sure she loved it."

Steve placed a kiss on the girl's lips. "I guess. I don't wanna talk about Teddy though. Just a normal Christmas Eve with my girl."

Nancy smiled and leaned into the boy. "Of course."

A/N- woohoo! That is the end of season one! Hope you all liked it. Starting on season two soon, and things are gonna get tense. Let's goooo!

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