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Sasaki stood in front of the Cafe and admired the exterior. He didn't get the chance to at the beginning. He looked around before going inside to the establishment. next to the door way was a billboard. Sasaki sat down on a table looked at the people around him. A lady walked up to him and gave him a menu.

"What would you like?" the waitress asked after a few moments.

"Could I have your special, thank-you" Sasaki replied.

The cafe seemed like a normal, ordinary cafe. On the left was a little girl with long, brown hair and a kind looking mother. They looked so happy together. The little girl looked up and smiled at Sasaki before continuing talking to her mother. On the far corner was what seemed to be two couples sipping coffee and chatting. He pulled out his novel and opened it to the page he was on. A novel that was written by Takaksuki Sen, a famous author.

"Here is your special, please enjoy", the waitress said smiling. She then walked behind the counter and continued washing the fragile cups.

Sasaki looked at dark,brown liquid in his cup. He watched ripples form and disappear before he began drinking. Sweet,warm aroma flowed from into his mouth and down his throat.

He was relatively surprised, "How come I can taste sweetness?"

"So are you liking our coffee at the moment?"

Sasaki looked up from his cup and his eyes met a girl. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He was amazed by her beauty. Sasaki looked right into her shiny, (your eye colour) eyes. Finally realizing what he was doing. His looked away and his face began glowing red.

"Yes, it's lovely, just surprised about the taste a little", Sasaki replied quietly.

"Many customers say that", [reader] said, " do you mind if I sit here and chat with you, I really have nothing to do right now".

"go ahead".

The girl sat down gently, "have I seen you before? are you a regular here?"

"It seems she doesn't remember me", Sasaki thought to himself, "perfect, perfect".

"Ehh, n-no, this is the first time coming here", he replied.

[reader]'s eyes shifted from his to the book in his hand.

"I see you like reading Takatsuki Sen's novels", [y/n] said.

Sasaki smiled and nodded slightly.

"I knew someone who use to read those novels",she whispered quietly.

There was a smile on her but a faint, sad one. [y/n] stood up and walked to the coffee counter. She melted coffee beans in a coffee dripper then slowly poured it into a coffee cup. Sasaki felt something very familiar, from the way she poured to her smile. [y/n] placed the cup in front of Sasaki.

"[y/n]'s super special coffee", [reader] said as she tilted her head and gave him her adorable smile.

"eh, thanks", sasaki replied, once again avoiding eye contact and glowing bright red.

"You aren't from here are you?" {y/n] asked.

Sasaki paused a bit before replying, he never actually thought that the manager would talk to him on the first day.

"I'm from Kyoto , I came here for my education", He explained, " I'm trying to look for a job to pay for my expenses at the moment". Sasaki was never an very good liar. He had a habit of always touching his chin when lying. He wasn't aware of this because nobody told him. [y/n] watched him touch his chin lightly. She watched with a sad, painful expression.

"Hmmm, interesting, if you are interested you can work here", [y/n] suggested, "if you don't mind the low salary".

"oh really, thank-you, I'll think about it", he replied.

After Sasaki finished and paid for his coffee he exited the warm cafe and out to the cold atmosphere.

"Hey [y/n] are you sure?" Yomo said as he walked around the counter to [y/n].

"I don't know, I don't know", she replied while watching Sasaki exit, "I just couldn't hold myself".

He went to the motel he was assigned to live in for the mission. Inside was a small kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Basic. He placed his bag down and went outside to the balcony. Cold wind blew softly against him. Refreshing, cold air surrounded him. Sasaki took a deep breath before going back inside and continuing his work.

"That wasn't hard trying to get closer to the cafe", Sasaki grinned. Glad that he was already so close to the manager.

The next day he went back to the cafe and submitted his false resume to [y/n]
" So you've decided to work here", she said with a smile.

"Yes, I need a way to pay for my expenses", Sasaki replied
[y/n] put her hand in front of him.

"Guess you'll work here from now and on", [y/n] said kindly, " hope we get along".

Sasaki hesitated a little before shaking her hand firmly.

"Me too, hope we'll become good friends", he smiled. Sasaki felt happy that the manager was talking to him but he didn't quite know why

After handing in the resume he went to a local book store to pick up the novels he had ordered. As Sasaki approached the store, he noticed a long line coming out of the store from the entrance all the way to the end of his vision. He walked inside and a lady with green hair was giving out autographs.

"Wonder why they are giving autographs in a book store", Sasaki thought to himself as he waited for the lady to finish searching for his order. After picking up the novels he sat down at the cafe section and sipped his coffee quietly while reading his new novel. About a hour later the line had disappeared and everyone had gone. The lady stretch and ruffled her hair. She got up and noticed Sasaki sitting in the corner. She walked over to him and sat down on the opposite side.

"Do you enjoy those novels?" she asked. Sasaki watched her with a confused expression. "eh yes, the writer is one of my favorites".

"ehh..really", the girl replied with a slight smirk on her face, "then would you like to get her autograph.

Sasaki continued looking at her with a strange, confused expression. When suddenly it hit him, this lady was Tataksuki.

"Oh, I'll love to", Sasaki said happily. He smiled brightly at Tataksuki before settling down.

"Here", she replied. She handed him a novel with her signature on the front.

"Can you tell me what you like about my novels", She asked, "so i can improve them".

"SURE, I'll love to", Sasaki replied loudly.

As Sasaki told her about his opinions. She watched him with a smile.
"You remind of a boy I once met that was just like you", Tatasuki said suddenly, "he has the same kinda eyes".

Sasaki just starred at her.

'Maybe you've met him before", Tataksuki whispered. She leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ears, "have you heard of the name...Kaneki".

Sasaki just listened with wide eyes.
Tataksuki got up and grinned at Sasaki, "But eh, this world is pretty big so theres a small chance you've met him".

Anyways sayonara". She began walking out, " kaneki-kun...".

The bells rang and she was gone. Sasaki just sat still trying to consume what she said.
"So she knows the past me" he asked himself ,"have I got her autograph more than once?"

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