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(y/n) placed her arms onto the counter then rested her head on top. Sighing to herself loudly. The day had been quite busy and she didn't have any time to rest. (y/n) looked up. Something was missing. Rather 'someone' was missing.

"Where was Sasaki?"

How did she completely forget about. (y/n) ruffled her hair and cursed herself for forgetting something to important.

"I need to check when the employees come in form now and on...but why didn't Sasaki call?"

She started to become anxious and worried. What if he was on to her? What if he has found proof that they were ghouls and is going to report it right now? Everyone and everything was going to disappear just like what had happened to Anteiku? these things lingered in her mind. She reached for the phone and called the number he had given her. She pressed the numbers in slowly and then held up to her ear. Gulping as she did.


"Hello? is this Sasaki-san?" (y/n) asked over the phone. She could hear someones presence on the other side of the phone, afraid of who it might be.

"oh manager, I completely forgot to call you" a voice huffed out," but why did you call me so late, only a few hours before it closing time?"

(y/n) gave a small laugh

"I had completely forgotten", she said,"I'm a pretty bad manager aren't I".

"Of course not you are wonderful!" Sasaki exclaimed loudly through the phone.

"W-well thank-you, I called because I was wondering if anything had happened to you, are you okay?" she asked with worry in her tone.

"It's not a big deal, I think I've come down with a fever or something" he mumbled over the phone.

'I guess half-ghouls can get sick' She thought to herself. Of course, she had experienced being sick before but was always curious if half-ghouls can catch pathogens as well.

"Are you okay, you don't sound so good", she replied.

"I just n-"

'tick' Beeping was all that could heard, (y/n) drew the phone from her ear and tried calling again but no one picked up.

"Maybe something happened?" (y/n) thought to herself. She placed the phone back onto the stand.

"I should go check".

(y/n) grabbed a white scarf and then wrapped it around her neck. She then slipped on her black, soft coat.

"I have to head out a bit earlier, when you guys are done just lock the doors, I'll be back soon", (y/n) instructed the workers. Everyone gave a small nod back. (y/n) smiled and then headed out.

She arrived in front of a large apartment building. (y/n) looked down at the piece of paper in her hand. Double checking the address. She then entered and headed up the stairs. The (h/c) girl stopped in front of a room, she gave a few knocks. She waited for a few moments but it didn't open so she knocked again. Still no one opened it. (y/n) placed her ear to the door, listening for noises. Suddenly the door swung open. She lost her balance stumbling inside. (y/n) felt herself fall into someones chest. Hands holding her arms steadying her. (y/n) looked up to see Sasaki looking back at her with confused eyes. He wore a plain grey long sleeve shirt with a pair of black pants. His hair was messier than usual and there was a tint if red around his cheeks. (y/n) had to admit, he looked strangely hot.

"Oh...hey Sasaki-san", (y/n) laughed with embarrassment.

"What are you doing here", he asked as you steadied yourself from him

"I thought something happened since you suddenly cut off, I've come to take care of you!", (y/n) walked inside casually, inviting herself in.

She was afraid Sasaki would decline her offer and the situation would get too awkward to cope with. Sasaki sat down on his kitchen chair watching (y/n) boil some clear water.

"Doesn't the cafe need you?" he questioned. (y/n) turned around to face him.

"Well, it's almost closing time, so I think it's okay", she gave a sweet smile before turning back to her business. Sasaki nodded and looked up at the ceiling. (y/n) walked back out carrying a cup. she placed it in front of him.

"What is this drink?" he asked (y/n).

"(y/n)'s family secret medicine" she replied with an wink. (y/n) stood up and then leaned in closer. Only a few inches away from Sasaki's face. She pushed his hair away gently and then placed her forehead against Sasaki.

"W-what a-are you doing, (y/n)", he stammered, his hand beginning to shake nervously. He could feel his heart beat like mad. Heat rushed up to his face.

"Just testing your temperature", she replied. (y/n) placed her hands onto Sasaki's cheeks lightly.

"Even your cheeks are warm...", she said with a worry look. Sasaki's face became bright pink. he pushed himself away causing the hot drink to spill everywhere.

"Are you okay your face is really red", (y/n) said with a concern.

"Im completely fine so dont worry!" he shot back, fake laughing,"I should probably clean up the mess". Sasaki stood up and began to head to the kitchen but (y/n) stopped him.

"You should rest a bit, I'll help you clean up the mess", she suggested. Sasaki was going to protest but he really wasn't to well to argue right now. (y/n) pushed him towards the bed. He sighed to himself, he couldn't help but smile. The presence of (y/n) made his feel safe and loved. He has always wanted someone to keep watch of him, he wanted someone to lead him to right direction. To always support him and love him.So it seemed (y/n) was perfect for it. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. Sasaki knew he was beginning to fall for her.

Sasaki's eyes shot open, his eyes traced to a figure sitting on the kitchen chair. (y/n) 's head was resting on the table. Sasaki got up and went to check up on the (h/c) haired girl. A bit of drool of was coming out of her mouth. Sasaki chuckled quietly, covering mouth to minimize the sound. Of course the sight wasn't very pleasant but it was cute.

"Kaneki...where are you...", she whispered out. Tears appeared in the corner of her eyes. Sasaki head peaked, he moved his head closer to (y/n) listening carefully as what she was going to say next.

"Sasaki..get the coffee", (y/n) shifted around. Sasaki immediately shot back to his cot, she woke up all drowsy. Blinking, trying to work out where she was. (y/n) looked out the window, the sky was a dark gray color now. She stood up and smiled at Sasaki. Who was in is bed, eyes closed. Sasaki could feel (y/n)'s presence get closer. She knelt besides him. She placed her hand onto his forehead.

"The heat seemed to have cooled down a little", (y/n) thought to herself. She gave a small kiss on his cheek. Well, that was what Sasaki thought it was. He flinched at the sudden action. Closing his eyes even tighter. His mind was spinning. (y/n) stood up and then grabbed her bag. Sasaki opened his eye slightly. (y/n) smiled, she took out a piece of paper and began to write something on it with her black pen. She placed it onto the counter table and then headed out. (y/n) stepped out into the cold, refreshing atmosphere. She sunk her head deeper into her scarf and placed her freezing hands into her pockets. Walking away from the apartment.

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