First day

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I've just started reading Tokyo ghoul :re and I did not know how much of the facts are wrong in this story. O_O  So I've decided to go back and fix it up. If you want, you can go back and re-read



Sasaki looked up at the bright sky. He gripped his bag tightly as she strolled down the street. Heading towards the cafe. The sky was a pure, blue colour, there was not a single cloud in sight. When he arrived he struggled to enter. It was different this time because he wasn't entering as a customer but instead a worker.

Sasaki slowly opened the door and strolled inside. His eyes searched for the (h/c) girl. She was taking someones order. Sasaki sat down on a chair near the entrance waiting for her to finish. (y/n) looked at her waist. A small silver watch was sitting there. Finally realizing someone was at the doorway. She smiled to the sight of Sasaki. (y/n) motioned Sasaki to follow her. They arrived inside a small room. (Y/n) sat down on the couch gently, placing her soft hands onto her knees. Sasaki sat in the opposite one of her.

"Welcome to :re", (y/n) greeted. Sasaki smiled and gave her a slight bow.

"So that is how you pronounce :re", he thought to himself as he recalled the short conversation he had among his colleagues.

"Lets go through the step and regulations now", (y/n) said. Sasaki continued smiling. He replied with a nod, again.

"There are rules, important rules..." she continued. Sasaki gulped.

"It's very VERY important that you do not enter that room without my permission", she advised as she pointed at the misty, glass door. Sasaki nodded in agreement. What was so special about this room?

"Maybe I should report this to Akira", he thought to himself. (y/n) looked at Sasaki.

"You don't talk much" she said, "am I making you feel nervous".

"Oh, no I'm not nervous," Sasaki exclaimed as he shook his hands, "I just felt like I didn't need to reply with words". (y/n) eyes averted to the dark coffee table

"Okay then please tell me if there is a problem or anything, I want to build a comfortable environment, where everyone is smiling, a cafe that allows anyone to express themselves...". (y/n) had that small, sad smile from the other day. That one smile showed about her, almost telling a whole story. Sasaki couldn't help but grip the pain in his heart.

Finally, (y/n) snapped out of her thought.

"Anyways, lets continue," she chimed trying to dismiss the strange atmosphere,"you must always help a worker that is in need".

"And lastly make our customers feel...cozy".

"Ah-huh", Sasaki replied, "is there anything else". (y/n) thought briefly before replying

"Almost forgot", She shouted as she stood up and walked towards a closet. She opened it and pulled out neatly folded clothes.

"This is for you, it's your uniform", she said, "after you finish changing i'm going to teach you the basics". Sasaki took the uniform from (y/n) and went into the change room. He couldn't believe why the ccg would suspect this girl to be a ghoul. (y/n) was such a bright, kind girl it didn't seem like she was a ghoul at all. Ghouls can be quite deceiving sometimes.

"Even if she was, i'll probably never want to arrest her", Sasaki apprehended. Suddenly, realizing what he was thinking he shook his head vigorously.

"You are a Ghoul investigator, Sasaki, you can't take the ghouls side".

"Wonder how the manager got my size?" he questioned himself. He patted his new uniform down before going back out. The manager stood outside, she was waiting for him. (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes scanned Sasaki head to toe.

"You look really cute in that uniform", she praised. Sasaki began blushing towards the compliment.

"W-what should I do Manager?" he asked trying to change the subject. (y/n) placed her hands behind her.

"Hmmm... follow me Haise", she replied with a hand motion. He followed her out to the coffee counter.

"First off, you have to meet all your acquaintances", she said. (Y/n) pointed to a girl with plain, brown hair.

"That's Haruko Yaru, she's a very experienced barista so ask her for any coffee involving problems. Her hand then pointed towards a boy with spiky, black hair. "That's Ryumi, he is usually really cold towards co-workers but when it comes to work he is serious about it", she explained, "if you get to understand him you'll see that he's a hard worker and also really kind". She then pointed to a young boy, he had blond messy hair, "that is Masaki, he's a bright kid who is very popular among the ladies". Finally (y/n) pointed to the mysterious, tall man from last time.

"That's... Renji Yomo", she said, her voice had dropped and trailed off. (y/n)'s eyes averted to Sasaki watching his expression. Sasaki observed him before facing (y/n) again. Waiting for her to continue. Their eyes met. They gazed at each other  when suddenly a customer began shouting out. (y/n) looked away and then grabbed the closest menu.

"I-I'll serv-ve that customer first", she stuttered out, "c-can you wait for a moment". Sasaki nodded and watched (y/n) began taking steps back and towards the customers. As she turned, he spotted a small smile plastered over her face. Her cheeks were a light, rosy color. Sasaki sat down and watched (y/n) as he waited. He couldn't but smile at (y/n) actions. Sasaki stretched and his gray eyes traced around the buildings decorations, it came to a stop when it something caught his eyes. A small broken cup was sitting on a purple, velvet pillow. He stood up trying to get a closer look.

"Sasaki, what are you doing?"

Sasaki turned around, the manager was looking at him. He began walking towards her giving a final glance towards the glass mug.

"Where have I seen that before?"

The cafe of memories//sasaki x Reader//Where stories live. Discover now