coffee beans and suspicion

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Sasaki arrived at :re 30 minutes early. Still stressing over what (y/n) actually really meant. He leaned against the cafe's brick wall. fidgeting with his bag, trying to calm himself down. About 20 minutes later a (hair color) haired girl came prancing down the road. She wore a silky (favorite color) dress and a black coat. A small hat sat on top of her head. She stopped in front of Sasaki and smiled.

"Hey, Sasaki-san, are you ready to go?" she asked. The bright smile still sat on her face.

"Yes!" he quickly responded. Sasaki stopped fidgeting and gave a smile back to (y/n). She looked at him before taking his hand and leading him towards the other direction.

"Where are we going for-" Sasaki immediately stopped talking, struggling if he should end the sentence.

"To the coffee cafe of course, I told you yesterday where we were going", she quickly replied. (y/n) hand hasn't  let go of Sasaki's yet. He couldn't pull it away either since her grip was so tight.

"You mean when you said we are going to have a coffee 'date'?" he questioned. Slowing down as he said the word 'date'. It seemed that (y/n) catched on what Sasaki was trying to express.

"Oh sorry, I meant we are going to have a 'class' about coffee", (y/n) responded. She let go on Sasaki's hand and gave him a apologetic smile. Sasaki continued to smile, he could hear something shatter in his heart.

"Why do I feel so upset? Isn't this a good thing, now I know what she really meant, I can finally get over it", he thought to himself trying to look at the positive side. But the disappoint was too large. When they finally arrived at the store (y/n) turned around to face Sasaki. Shock sweep over her. It seemed like a gloomy cloud had been behind her the whole time. She shivered.

"Hey...Sasaki are you okay?" she asked quietly, fear and worry could be heard in her tone.

"I'm...okay, I just feel a little sick", he replied. (y/n) lifted Sasaki's bangs away and placed her hand onto his forehead. Sasaki just stood there and looked at (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.

"I do feel some heat emitting, you need to go home and rest after this , okay", (y/n) advised. Sasaki nodded without taking his contacts away. (y/n) starred at him back confused. She closed her eyes and opened them again. A determined expression took over. Sasaki looked at her,

"What is she doing?" Finally he realized what he was doing he looked away. (y/n) smiled.

"I win!" she shouted with joy, "we should try another starring contest next time".

"B-but I wasn't even-" Sasaki began. But (y/n) had already headed inside the store, humming a victory song.

Sasaki sighed and then followed her inside.

"How did she mistaken that as a starring contest, seriously, how old is she", he thought to himself with a smile. (y/n) scanned the shelves and then took a jar out. She showed it to Sasaki.

"Can you see how some of the beans inside are a deep black color, these are burnt, many people don't exactly enjoy burned coffee beans because the taste becomes bitter and a bit repulsive. so we usually use first crack and 2 second cracked beans. They are more on the sweeter sides". She looked at Sasaki with shining eyes. Thinking that he had the same interest towards coffee like how she does. She waited for him to say something.

"Ehh... thats interesting", he replied.

(y/n) continued with sparkly eyes. She really did like coffee. Sasaki dropped out after a few moments. He could no longer work out what (y/n) was saying. He looked at her  (y/n) as she explained with passion. He smiled and continued nodding as the information flew by him.  He could feel a small tingling feeling inside his heart. Seeing the passionate side of (y/n) is real cute. Is it really possible that this girl was a ghoul.

The sun began coming down. Outside was a light orange color now. (y/n) stepped outside with Sasaki. She  handed him the bag of coffee they had bought.

"You need to study these", (y/n) instructed. Sasaki nodded. He looked up and decided to test (y/n). He wanted to confirm if (y/n) really was a ghoul.

" its getting kinda late, do you want to get something to eat with me", Sasaki said. he watched carefully (y/n)'s actions and gestures.  She simply gave back a big nod and a smile.

"I'm so hungry, we should get some ramen or something", she said casually. (y/n) began walking down the road. Sasaki strolled down with her. He watched her at the corner of his eyes. She had a big smile on her and was humming a song quietly. Sasaki sighed quietly in relief.

"Maybe we should just cancel this mission", he began thinking,"There was nothing wrong this cafe...but I kind of want to stay longer".

When they arrived at the closet noodles restaurant they stepped inside. (y/n) took a big breath.

"This place smells delicious", she said.  Sasaki nodded in response watching (y/n) behavior carefully. They sat down on a wooden chair and the waiter handed then two menus. (y/n) eyes scanned through the pages when they came to a stop.  She looked up at Sasaki.

"What are you having?" she asked.  Sasaki looked down at his menu and ordered the first thing he saw. When the food arrived, (y/n) said her blessings and begun eating slowly. (y/n) ate it, full of manner and politeness. It wasn't out character but something was strange but Sasaki couldn't seem to get the hold of it. (Y/n) glanced up and then looked back down.

"Your food might get cold soon", she said as she finished swallowing her noodles. Sasaki snapped out of his starring and smiled.

"Y-yes", he replied. Sasaki looked down at the long strands of yellow. He cringed. He ate large portions trying his hardest to swallow without showing anything suspicious.

"It tastes really good", Sasaki exclaimed. (y/n) smiled and continued.

When they finished Sasaki paid and headed outside which was where (y/n) was waiting. He held onto his stomach tightly. It had begun hurting. It felt like something inside of him was pushing its why up his throat. He covered his mouth to stop himself from vomiting.
"Sasaki, don't vomit if you do everything is going to be over".
He took a deep breath and then slid open the door and then walked outside.

"Today was really interesting", he said.

"Yes, it was a lot of fun", (y/n) replied,"I think I should head back now, I'm the chef of my house you know". (y/n) smiled,"thanks for everything Haise".

"Haise?" Slight redness rose to his cheeks.

"I-I'll s-see you at w-work then", he stuttered out. (y/n) waved a goodbye before walking down the road. The sky had become a dark gray now.

"Maybe I should walk her home", Sasaki thought to himself as he turned walked to the other direction,"I mean that is what a man does, isn't it?"

Sasaki turned around and run down the road towards (y/n). She was nowhere in sight.

"How fast does she walk exactly?"

(y/n) jumped from building to building. She stumbled a few times before getting back to her feet and speeding through the sky. When she arrived at her cafe. She staggered inside. A hand on her mouth and one on her stomach. She unlocked the door and headed towards the kitchen. She chugged a bottle of water down. (y/n) began coughing. She felt uncomfortable and irritated. Tears sat  on the edges of her eyes. She turned on the kitchen tap and watched the water flow down and down the sink hole. The only light she had at the moment was the moon. It shone through the windows. (y/n) looked at the moon with sadness. She washed her face under the water. (y/n) bent down and leaned against the wooden cupboards.

"I'm tired, I really want him to remember me but...its the best he stops investigating me, I don't know how long I can keep this up". (y/n) rolled into a small ball and placed her head onto her knees. She begun crying in the silent night.

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