In The New Team- 5

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Aomine's POV

I woke up and turned my head to Momoi. "Good morning Dai-chan" Momoi said in a tired but happy voice "morning Satsuki" I said. She leaned over and kissed my forehead. I just smiled and looked at her as she got up and got dressed for today. "What are you doing in today?" I asked "well since I'm helping Riko out now I need to meet up with her for lunch so we can discuss on what we're going to do after the holiday" Momoi said. "Oh alright then" I said "what will you do?" Momoi asked. "I'll probably hangout with Tetsu and Kagami" I said "alright" Momoi said.

Momoi went into the bathroom and got her hair done and her make up on. She got ready in less than an hour and was able to make it to Riko on time.

I went over to Kuroko's and Kagami's Room and 'I have to tell them what happened yesterday' I thought. I knocked on the door and I saw Kuroko he had a smile on his faces and when I looked at Kagami he was hiding his face in his palms of his hand and his face was bright red that when I saw something on Kuroko's neck.

After Aomine trying to kill Kagami

"So what brought you over?" Kagami asked. "Well I need to tell yous something" I said "okay Is everything okay?" Kuroko asked "yeah! Kagami already knows so I'll tell you Tetsu" I said. "Oh no" Kuroko said. I told Kuroko everything that I told Kagami about me liking Momoi. "So that's what you meant when you told me that I'll find out soon" Kuroko said. Kuroko just gived me a little hug then went back to sorting out his things.

"After the phone call of us able to join the team...

"We got it! WE GOT IN" Momoi said happily. "Yeah we did" I said as I Ran up to her and lefted her up and hugged her. I put her down back so her feet where toching the floor.

'Should I kiss her? NO I CAN'T THAT WOULD RUIN OUR WHOLE FRIENDSHIP' I thought but before I knew it...

...Momoi had kissed me. I gived in and kissed her back. I raped my arms around her and held her tight and close to me."

I told them. "Well done Aomine" Kagami Said. "I've got a question" Kuroko said "alright what is?" I asked "so what are yous?" Kuroko asked "well we're taking it slow I'm only telling yous since yous are my my best friends" I said "okay" Kagami "oh Aomine We're have something that happing on Friday" kuroko said "yeah I got the message" I said "alright what's going on?" Kagami asked "it's just stuff to do with our old team" I said.

A few hours have past and Everyone had dinner and was out side.

"So Since everyone knows we got 2 new team mates I want everyone to say your first and last name" Riko said

"Tetsuya Kuroko"
"Taiga Kagami"
"Teppei Kiyoshi"
"Junpei Hyūga"
"Shun Izuki"
"Kōichi Kawahara"
"Satoshi Tsuchida"
"Rinnosuke Mitobe"
"Riko Aida"
"Shinji Koganei"
"Satsuki Momo"
"Daiki Aomine"

"If you need to find one of us I'll say the room and floor number" Riko said

"Tetsuya Kuroko Taiga Kagami are in room 16 on the top floor" Riko said

"Teppei Kiyoshi and Junpei Hyūga are in room 9 on floor 8" Riko said

"Shinji Koganei and Rinnosuke Mitobe are in room 7 on floor 8" Riko said

"Kōichi Kawahara and Satoshi Tsuchida are in room 6 on floor 8" Riko said

"And I'm in room 8 on floor 8" Riko said

"Satsuki Momo and Daiki Aomine are in room 15 on the top floor" Riko said

We played some rounds of basketball and tried to see who can make more shots in 10 minutes and who can keep dribbling for longest.

After a very long day everyone was tired and went back up to they're rooms to sleep.

Me and Momoi where in our room and she was on her phone deleting Tōō Academy number and everyone that was on our "team". I walk up behind her and hugged her, "really Dai-chan" Momoi said she turned around and to face me.

Momoi's POV

I turned around to face Aomine. He picked me up so I raped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Dai-chan Put Me Down" I said as I laughed. "Can I get a kiss first?" He asked.

I leaned in closer and kissed him, he walked over to the bed while we where still kissing. We got deeper into the kiss until someone knocked on the door.

'For Fuck Sake' Aomine thought. Aomine went over to the door to open it to see Kagami and Kuroko. " I'm guessing not good timing?" Kagami asked "yeah really bad timing" Aomine said "right..." Kagami said "good have fun with Tetsu" Aomine said as he shut the door and lock it.

He truned around to see Momoi was Sleeping.

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