gender reveal party - mouth 4

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AN: I found out that the earliest you can find out the gender of the baby is up to 18 to 21 weeks is 4 to 5 mouth's so sorry for it being early.

Momoi's POV

I was at the house while Dai-chan was out get the place ready for when we're going to have the gender reveal party for our baby. I was getting the house ready with Riko for after the gender reveal.

"Thank you very much Riko for helping me with all of this" I said. "It's no problem Momoi" Riko replied. "I still remember when I told Dai-chan, I swear I thought I was going to be dead" I sad as I gave a little laugh. "Yeah I thought yous wouldn't come back to school after that!" Riko said. "Yeah but look at us now we're now Doing perfectly fine now" I said as I looked out the window the sun is finally starting to rise.

The girls finally finished decorating the house and putted all the food in the fridge. "We should get going before it gets to late" Riko said. "Alright" I replied. Riko took out her phone and called her dad to take them to the place.

Later on at the gender reveal

"Thank you all very much for coming today" Momoi said.

Momoi and Aomine went around and thanked everyone for coming and even a few off there old teammates and old friends and even some family. But the worse thing is barely anyone out of the team knew about the pregnancy.

"Satsuki what's going on here?" A filluer voice said. "M-mother?..." Momoi said as her eyes widen with anger and fear in them. "What are you doing he-..." Momoi was cut of by Aomine grabbed her hand and pulled to the front behind Riko.

"Now it's time or the reavle" Riko said.
Every took there sides on witch gender it was. If people thought it was a girl then went on the pink side of the hall but if they thought it was a boy they went to the blue side of the hall.

"3... 2... 1..." Seirin team counted down and while Momoi and Aomine pulled the party poppers that had the gender in it. Momoi's one was blue while Aomine's one was pink.
"Is it twins???" Riko said in shock. "Yes We are having twins" Aomine said.

"Aw I'm going to be able to teach a little girl and a little guy how to play basketball" Akashi said. "I think that's my job" Aomine said. "When's the wedding?" Izuki asked in a joking way. "Not till after the baby is born" Hyūga said. "Atcally not untill they've engaged" Riko said.

A few hours later

For the rest of the night they went back to the house while Aomine, Midorma, Murasakibara, Kagami, Kise, Kuroko and Akashi stayed behind to clean up then to go back to the house.

AN: Sorry this is a bit short I'm running out of ideas and this story will Be ending soon so I hope you have enjoyed it.

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