a few drinks - 9

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At the party
Aomine's POV

We all headed inside of the place of the party and it looked amazing. Their was so much light's and their was a bar that did food and drinks. "OI Kise has Satsuki arrived?" I asked "no not yet" Kise said. We went back to the group and where just chatting away.

"Wow she looks beautiful" Akashi said "she so stunning" Kise said. I looked over to where Kise and Akashi where looking.  I looked over to see Momoi "She looks just like a dream the prettiest girl I've ever seen" I thought to myself as my checks started burning up. I stood up and walked over to Momoi"Hey Satsuki you look nice" I said as my Face went red. "Awww thank you Dai-chan you look nice to" Momoi said as she hugged me. "Something tells me that Aomincchi might like Momoicchi" Kise said.

Later on we have all had something to eat and some drinks only Kuroko and Momoi haven't had something to drink. Kise went to the bar and got us some more drinks. "Here you guys go" Kise said "Thank you very much" Akashi said "Momoicchi, Kurokocchi would you like to try one of these" Kise asked. "Uh sure but just this one" Kuroko said. "Yeah sure! But dose it tastes okay?" Momoi asked before picking up a glass. "Yeah it tastes good and I made sure that it's not strong for yous since it will be your first time" kise said as he gives Kuroko and Momoi a glass. Momoi and Kuroko took the shot a they atcally quite liked it. "Ooo this is quite good may I have another one?" They both asked


Later on at the party Momoi and Kuroko was on the dance floor dancing they has been dancing for around 3 Hours and they where quite drunk. "Kuroko could you come here" Kagami asked he didn't get an answer "let me try" Aomine said. "Okay fine" Kagami said "Darling could you come here" Aomine said. But he also didn't get a answer. "Wow Aominecchi and Kagamicchi I didn't realise you where dating them" Kise said. Kagami's and Aomine's face went bright red. "Hey guys let's get back to the hotel" Akashi said "alright" Kise said.

Kagami picked up Kuroko and put him on his back while Aomine picked up Momoi in a bride style way. The all went up back to the hotel and most of them where drunk or tipsy.

Back at the hotel 05:45
Aomine's POV

We got back to the hotel and went to our room. I put Momoi on the bed so I could lock the door but when I turned around Momoi was in front of me. She pulled my shirt down so she could Kiss me.

So I picked her up and kissed her for awhile. I walked over to the bed while we where still kissing. We got deeper into the kiss and got to the bed. She broke the kiss and I putted her down on the the bed. I walked over to where she was sitting on the the bed and kissed her. She depend the kiss and place her hand on my neck. I pulled her closer and I lifted her up so she was now sitting on my lap She leaned in closer and kissed me more. I broke the kiss and went down and started kissing her neck. We got more into it and started stripping we both lost all our clothes and started having sex.

Later that day

"Kagami-kun are you okay?" Kuroko asked. "Yeah just really tired" Kagami said "well it is kinda karma from what we did to them" Kuroko said "fair enough" Kagami said "I mean I do feel a lot better now since we also had our fun last night" Kagami said "really Kagami-kun really?" Kuroko said "what I'm just saying" Kagami said.

Later that day

"How's everyone feeling today?" Riko asked. "Alright just tired" Izuki said "yeah same" Hyūga said. "Where's Kagami and Kuroko? And our new teammates?" Izuki asked "well they're uh sleeping they had a very long night" Riko said

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