the meeting - 7

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Spicy bits in this chapter

Momoi's POV

I woke up and just wanted to lay down but I needed to go to the bathroom so I got up and Headed to the bathroom.

10 minutes later

I got out of the bathroom and I got dressed and got ready for tomorrow I walked over to the bed and kissed Aomine on the forehead before I got my shoes on and went out for a walk with Riko. When I got to where Riko wanted to meet up. I told Riko about the message and phone call that Aomine and Kuroko got yesterday from Akashi.

"So the rest of the Generation Of Miracles are going to be here" Riko asked "yeah" I said as I looked up at the sunrise "sorry that I asked to meet up so early" Riko said "it's okay it nice to get up to see the sunrise" I said. "Riko smiled and look up at the sky.

2 Hours later

Me and Riko went back to our rooms and After talking to Riko I felt more happy. I walked into my room and noticed Dai-chan wasn't there's I then truned around to shut the door. When I turned around I saw Dai-chan, he pined me agents the door.

"Where have you been" Aomine asked "I was outside talking to Riko" I said as I tilted my head and smiled. Just then Aomine kissed me on the lips then walked over to the bed and then we got a message. "Who is it?" I asked "it's Akashi" Aomine said "what does it say" I asked.

Akashi - Hello my dear old teammates. My team has just left to head to the hotel.

Kise - GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! our team is leaving in 10 minutes.

Midorma - Our team left an hour ago and will be arriving soon.

Murasakibara - my team is leaving in an hour.

Kuroko - my team has been here since Sunday or Monday.

Aomine - me and Satsuki have been here since Saturday.

Akashi - is your team there?.

Momoi - about that it's better if you hear it in person.

Kise - is everything okay?

Midorma - I'm also wondering that too.

Kuroko - it's a long story.

Akashi - I see, well I need to go now and talk to you all later.

Kuroko - alright bye.


Midorma - bye.

Murasakibara - dose the hotel do good snacks?

Momoi - yes it dose, bye everyone have a safe trip.

Aomine - bye

Momoi and Aomine just where sitting on the bed and now wondering how they're going to tell them.

Later that day

The Rest of the Generation Of Miracles and their team haved arrived at the hotel, but Akashi said he wanted everyone to meet up druning diner so we can all meet up.

Before dinner
Kuroko's POv


e and Kagami started to get ready for dinner but since there was only one shower we had to take turns. I went for a shower frist while Kagami got his stuff sorted out, I didn't have my stuff sorted out so when I got out the shower I had to find some clothes to wear for dinner since we're going to a fancy restaurant.

After a while I finally got out of the shower and put a towel around my waist and one on my shoulder. I walked out of the bathroom and went to where our beds where. "I'm done with the shower and it's ready for you kagami-kun" I said "alright" kagami said as he grabbed his towels.

Kagami looked up to see Kuroko. Kagami could feel his cheeks heating up as his face went bright red from the sight of the kuroko. "Kagami-kun are you okay?" Kuroko asked. "Uh y-yeah I'm fine" Kagami said as he hid his face in the towels and went into the bathroom.

I was putting my suit on then I  remembered that I left my tie in the bathroom, so I finished getting ready before I knocked on the door to the bathroom. "Kagami-kun" I said. "I'm just getting out of the shower right now, Do you need anything?" Kagami asked "I left my tie in there" I said "oh alright here I'll get it for you" Kagami said. "Thank you Kagami-kun" I said.
Kagami opened the door and handed me my tie. He was wearing one of his towel around his waist and the other one of his head. "Ah Thank you very much Kagami-kun" I said "uh yeah no problem" he said.

At dinner
Momoi's POV

Me and Aomine finally found the restaurant that we had planned for dinner. We walked into the restaurant and saw everyone was already there. "Over here" Kise yelled to get our attention. We walked over to the table that Kise was sitting at and saw the Generation Of Miracles and Kagami there.

"Hello Everyone" Akashi said "good evening everyone" I said. "did we miss anything?" Aomine asked "not that I'm aware of" Kise said. "Well there is something" Akashi said. "What is it?" Aomine said "so Aomine, Momoi where are your teammates? And why are you not with them" Akashi asked "what are you on about? they're are with Thier team" kagami said "what are you on about? Tōō Academy isn't here" Midorma said. "That's cause we're in Seirin high now" I said.

Everyone got settled and Momoi and Aomine explained what happened and how it all went down.

After dinner they all went back to the hotel and got changed then played some basketball. After that they all headed back to Aomine and Momoi's room for a while before leaving and going to bed.

Momoi's POV

"Hey Dai-chan do you think we should tell the team about us?" I asked "not yet I kinda won't them to find out" Aomine said.

We ended up going to sleep since we where both really tired and went to sleep nearly instantly after our head hit the pillow.

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