Halloween - 16

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The day of Halloween
The last chapter

The last chance to tell him!
What will happen
Is Momoi pregnant or will she have something else to tell him
Find out now on Halloween.


Everyone was in class and Riko told us we had to bring our Halloween outfits for tonight since Riko wanted all of us go together.

Momoi's POV

I was in class and I was finishing writing my paperwork for joining the school. Both me and Dai-chan got into the school and we have now been living together for two weeks. Riko, Tetsu and Kagami came over some times and it was nice but I still haven't really put thought into it until Aomine asked me about something last week I couldn't really remember what it was tho.

At the gym
With Seirin

"How's everyone doing today" Riko asked. "Well I suppose it would have been better if we didn't have practice nearly every day but whatever" Aomine said. "DAI-CHAN BE GRATEFUL THAT THEY'RE ATCALLY LETTING US STAY!" Momoi yelled a little.

Everyone was both Laughing and silent.

We all headed into the changing room and got out of our outfits and got changed into our outfits for tonight.


omoi went out as a witch and Aomine went out as a pirate.

They all went out at 17:26 and went around the neighborhood and a few other places. Riko then looked down at the time and they where out still at 23:59 so nearly much till the night ended.

AN: I'm so sorry this is short but I'm trying to work on this book and my other book and a new one that's coming out so I'm very sorry

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