Day 1 ( pt.1)

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It was your first night in the shared apartment you had to move in, because you couldnt find anything better. It was actually quite ok, the people seem nice. The only thing that bothered you was, that you are the only girl. You thought it was a bit awkward, but you had to.

You got woke up by a muffeled discussion.

?:" Who the f*ck took the last milk, god damit!?"

?:" Do you have to shout, Vincent? Its like 7 am..."

Vincent:" Shut up, Lawrence, just because -you- can't sleep at night doesnt mean that the others dont aswell! And i asked something, WHO THE F*CK TOOK THE LAST MILK!?"

you frowned and slowly opened your eyes. This dude has issiues... you thought. After some more minutes of listening to that guy named Vincent complaining, you gave up and made your way out of your bed.

?:" Jesus Christ, Vincent, calm down...we have milk just have to open your eyes once in your life..."

Vincent:" what did you just say to me, Sano? "

You saw Vincent lean into the other guy.

Sano:" I said that-"

?:" Oh! The new one is awake!"

Thank you. You thought. A boy, sitting on the Sofa, who was way shorter than the other ones saw you.


You said.

The short guy smiled and waved at you, got up and walked over to you.

?" And? How was your first night? By the way, my name is Ren."

" I was sleeping fine, until..."

Ren:" Yeah i have to excuse Vincent, he can blow up easily..."

Vincent:" Hey, Ren! Be careful what you say!"

Ren just rolled his eyes, and continued talking to you.

Ren:" I think i didnt caught your name..."

" Oh, sorry, I'm MC. Nice to meet you."

The boy just smiled again, nodded, and turned around to the others.

Ren:" The tall blonde over there is Lawrence. The dude that yelled at him was Vincent, and the guy that said that that we have milk was Sano. The others are out at the moment...I dont know where they are."

As he was telling, you looked at the guys. The guy named Lawrence looks hella tired. Mabey has it something to do with what Vincent said? That he doesnt sleep at night?

And the guy named Sano looked like a quite serious guy, but you knew that you shouldnt mess with him.

You still had the same opinion about Vincent. That dude looked like he could murder you and wouldnt even care.

But your attention was paid to Lawrence at the moment. Mabey I should talk to him? You thought, but then you thought that it would be the best to not talk to basically a stranger about his sleeping schedule.

You came to the decision to make yourself a cup of coffee. As you walked to the kitchen, you heard someone walk into the door. No, two someones.

?:" God damn it Cain! Get yourself a life, and most importantly A JOB."

A taller blond guy with smaragd green eyes yelled at the person, who's named Cain behind him.

Cain:" HEY! Just because I at least TRY to enjoy life-"

?:" Haha, what life??"

Cain:" Shut the f*ck UP, DAMIEN."

You turned around to the two guys arguing, while stirring your coffee.

Lawrence:" Cain and Damien." He said to you.

You looked up at him without saying anything. You had a confused expression. Firstly because you were surprised that he was talking to you, and secondly, you were confused about these guys.

Lawrence:" They are half brothers. They hate eachother. They do nothing but argue. In the worst case, they fight. Litterly."

" Oh...why is that?"

Lawrence:" Oh uhm...I dont...I dont know."

Lawrence studdered, almost as if he didnt thought that you would resonse.

" Oh ok." You took a sip of your coffee.

Damien:" Not like -you-, I have a job."

Cain:" At least I am not a mama's boy!"


Cain:" F*CK YOU"

Damien:" God DAMNIT. I am SO glad that I am not directly related to you! Thank you SO MUCH FOR K-"

Sano:" HEY! "

Everyone looked at him.

Sano:" Everyone. CALM. THE F*CK. DOWN. I dont know if you noticed it or not, but we have someone new with us. So could you guys PLEASE leave your family issiues out of her buisness for a little while??? Damien, Cain, you guys know what i mean. Ren, you too."

You looked at the three mentioned guys and took a sip of your coffee to awkwardly break the silence.

Damien cleared his throat.

Damien:" Excuse me please. I'm Damien. This is Cain. My half brother."

" Yeah no it's ok. I'm MC by the way. "

Damien:" Nice to meet you!"


After some hours of meeting and stuff, you got curious. What did Sano mean?

You looked for him as you found him in the livingroom.

" Hey, Sano?"

He looked up.

Sano:" Yes?"

" If I May ask...what thid you mean by their family issiues? Or..or is it too early to ask?"

He sighed.

Sano:" Look. A lot of shit happened in their lifes. Especially in Cains and Rens. But I can't tell you more yet. If you are really that curious, ask them yourself."

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