day 5 ( pt 3 )

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** back home **

Ren brought you back home, and made you a cup of tea, because you were cold. You sat down on the sofa, and drank it, and let out a sigh of relief. You let your head rest on the neckrest.

Ren:" Are you ok?"

" Yeah. Thank you. "

Ren:" uhm...why were you in such a hurry anyway?"

You took a deep breath before answering.

"...i found out what the thing was what you didnt want to tell me."

The redhead brusted out in laugher


you gave him a deathstare.

Ren:" Hah! Ahh...sorry-! I just-! I- HAHA!!"

"Naw fuck you, Ren.."

You chuckeled.

He then put his hand on your cheek.

Ren:"'re still a bit cold.. wait, I'll bring you a blanket."

He did as he said. He came back with a fuzzy blanket, and gently laid it on you.


Ren:" No Problem! Are you better now?"

" a bit, yeah!"

He gave you a big grin.


** Okay timeskip bcs idk how to go on now **

You fell asleep on the sofa. As you woke up, you heard someone doing something in the sink. You got up.



Sano:" Hey."

"...doing the dishes? I thought that Lawrence has done them already today?"

Sano:" and thats true. Lawrence actually has done them already. But i'm doing my own dishes."


He didnt turn your way this whole conversation.
He held up a knife for you too see it. Yet He didnt turn your way.

That knife...

It was..


" Uh-"

You also noticed that all the other instruments that were there, were also covered in blood.

"...Sano.., what-"

Sano:" I told you that I have my own dishes."

"...why are they covered in blood..?"

Sano:" are you serious?"

This was the first time He turned around.

He looked at you with an annoyed asf r u fvcking kidding me look.

Sano:" you saw that person in my lab that day you accidently got in, right?"

You just remembered.


Sano:" exactly. "


Sano:" Any questions?"

"...honestly yes.."

Sano:" nah fr? Ok go on."

" if...if you kill those how do you get them in here without anybody noticing?"

Sano:" I have my tactics."

You answered with a silent "Oh."

He tilted his head to the side and chuckeled slightly.

Sano:" what? Are you terrified?"


Sano:" guess what. We are all psychotic."


He chuckeled again.

Sano:" yeah! Even Lawrence!"


Sano:" Oh yes. Now if you dont mind, i need to clean my instruments."

" Yeah no, ofc."

He didnt even wait for your answer.

"..what..the fuck..."

You thought.

"..still kinda hot tho- STFU."

You shook you head to clear your mind.


You walked into your room.


Sorry for short chapter :")

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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