Day 4

441 11 12

After opening your eyes, you jumped out of your bed full of adrynaline still from the events from yesterday. You rushed into the kitchen, to make yourself a cup of coffee. You rushed past Lawrence, who looked compleatly done with everything, to get to the coffee machine.

" Good morning Law! Did you have a good night?"

The fries-

- just looked at you like he didnt sleep for a week

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- just looked at you like he didnt sleep for a week.

You kept grinning at him, and a awkward silence was built.

"......Ooookay! I guess not!"

Damien, who was also up already noticed you.

Damien:" Damn girl, what brought you in a mood like that??"

You perked up.

" Hm what? Oh-! Oh- o-h uhmmm OH nothing, HAHA. HA. Ahah. Ahhh..."

You bately knew what was going on aswell, so that answer was sorta...awkward.


Ren:" Oh i know exactly what is up with MC sweet here."

The lil twig was holding a mug in his one hand, and the free hand was hugging him. He had a evil smirk on his lips.

You turned to him.

' wasnt he high last night?? How could he possibly remember that??'

The fox kept his facial expression, but his brows raised a little as if he was tryna say ' Oh yes i know '

You suddenly felt a kick of adrynaline. You were nervous.

[( Everyone!! This aint gna be a Sano x Reader!! I jst need the drama😭😭 )]

You tried to hide that, and tried to put on a smile.

" What do you mean by that, Ren?"

Ren:" Oh i excactly remember how you and-"

You didnt even let him finish. You ran over to him and pressed your palm over his lips, so that he wasnt able to say anything else.

" No need to say something you might regret! Haha!" You said.

" Dont. Say. A. Word."
You whispered into his ear.

You felt the lil boi ([ why the nicknames??😭]) grin under your hand. He chuckeled.

" what could possibly be so funny rn??"

His free hand gently grabbed your wrist, and moved your hand away from his mouth.

Ren:" Oh no, its nothing! I dont even know what you are worried about!"

You looked at him with a look, that said " istg. Stfu."

Ren:" I just wanted to say that you met our dog last night! And due to that adrynaline, you are glad to be still alive, so you were happy!"


Damien:" Oh shoot, you met him the hard way?"

" yes...sadly."

You played along. Ren somehow forced you to.

Sano:" Yeah. She had hardly any color in her face."

He suddenly appeared behind you.
Starteled, you took a step to the side.

" Sano!"

Sano:" No need to raise your voice. Its still morning."

You clear your throat.

" sorry."

You looked back to Ren, who's view switched between you and Sano with that ' ik ik ' smirk.

' Fuck, i hate him. '

You dont. You're jst a lil annoyed by that twig atm.

After you assured yourself that Ren kept his mouth shut, you made your way to the livingroom, and sat down on the sofa. You left out a sigh after you let yourself fall onto the sofa. After some minutes, you noticed that somebody sat down next to you.

You turned your head to face the person who sat next to you. It was Ren.

He just quickly smiled at you, as a thing to say ' Hi ' probably.

" you need something?"
You asked in a tone as if the thing from before never happened.

Ren:" Hm? No, not really."

" not really means that you DO need something from me, dont you?"

Ren took a moment to answer.

Ren:" Mh. No. I mean. Sorta?"

" What do you need?"

Ren:" I actually wanted to ask you something."

" spill the tea, sorty!"

Ren:"...I'm jst gna act like i never heard that. No, uhm, i wanted to ask you if i can take you on a walk?"

You snort.

" i'm not a dog."

Ren:" No, i didnt mean it like that. I planned to go and buy some flowers as a decor mabey? And i thought some company would be nice. So?"

You thought for a moment. After you had nothing else to do, you said:" Yeah sure, why not."

Ren lit up.

Ren:" Ok then! I'll pick you up when i'll leave, alright?"

" sounds like a Plan!"

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