Day 3 (pt 1)

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You were asleep. You were sleeping. Finally. Peacfully. Like a baby. Until...

?:" Give it to me NOW!"


You opened your eyes and your mood for today got chosen- pissed. You groaned, got up, and made your way out of your room, where you see Vincent and Ren fighting over something.

" Guys...what the fu-"

Your sentence got cut off by Vincent.

Vincent:" Oh no, MC. dont you DARE say anything. This is something between this lil Rat and me."

He said in a quiet but agressive tone.

You took a deep breath.

" What are you even fighting about?"

Vincent:" I just sai-"

Ren:" Vince's gon be on his damn -period- soon, so he needs the LAST beef jerky-"

" pffft..sorry, what? His -period-?"

Vincent:" Alright. No, i'm done. Also, Ren, you selfish Bastard, you still have your chicken hearts left in the fridge- Listen, this isnt Strades apartment anymore, where you get all the things you want shoved inside your ass, ye got me?"

He said as he walked away. You watched him left, as you turned your head back to Ren, who- to your surprise- has his ears and tail appeared. But not in a good way. His ears were pinned back in anger and his tail was slightly twitching. And his facial expression said everything- that boy is pissed asf.


He didnt answer.


Ren:" Dont."

" ...Do you want to talk-?"

Ren:" I said -dont-."

You knew that he needed to talk, but just cant, so you left him alone and walked into the kitchen, where you met Sano.

Sano:" Dont worry, Vincent always gets a bit more agressive when fullmoon is soon..."

" fullmoon? The fuck is he? A werewo-?"

Sano:" Yep."

"...oh shit, fr?"

Sano:" Yes."

"...Oh. thats why he freaked out when he thought i called him a furry..."

Sano:" Exactly."

"Also, do you know whats up with Ren?"

Sano swallowed a sip of his coffee before talking.

Sano:" Ah damn...yes. sadly."

"And who is that Strade?"

He just raise his brows and eyes a bit and drank his coffee as an answer. You knew from then, that Strade is gonna be a big topic the next days, or at least until you know who he is. As you wanted to turn around, Ren suddenly spawned out of nowhere.


Ren:" MC?"

"Geez! You scared m-"

Ren:" You asked me if i wanted to talk."

Sano:" Ren you dont have to-"

Ren:" I do."

He gave you a head sign to follow him to his room-you did. As you walked in he closed the door behind you. This was the first time in someone elses room that lives here too. After you're done looking around in his room, you turned around to him.

" What do you need to-"

You cut your own sentence as he starts to take his hoodie off.

"W-Woah! Hey! I- I thought you-"

He stopped what he was doing and looked at you with an " dude just let me do my thing" look.

You cleared your throat.


He continued. Under his hoodie, he was wearing a white tanktop, and he was covered in...scars.

" Jesus Christ..."

Ren:" Well..."

" shit how did you...?"

Ren:" Oh no. Not me. He."

" who is h-?"

Ren:" Strade."


Ren:" I got captured and abused. By him."

" Holy shit...Ren, I'm so sorry."

Ren:" Dont be sorry. It was my fault. My fault alone. It was my fault for beeing so fucking stupid. I was fucking stupid!"

" ...Ren..."

Ren:" Haha NO! Fuck! I was so fucking stupid back then!"

You noticed that this topic Hits some triggers of him.

Ren:" I-I mean, it is just logical to NOT go home with a stranger at the bar...right?? Even if i didnt choose it, i could've at least looked for help..."

" Ren you were scared-"

Ren:" Oh yeah. I was. Tsk. Fuck i was."

His ears lay down on his head again, this time it wasnt anger, it was sadness.

Ren:"...i guess they werent lying about stockholm-syndrome, huh?"

'Wait. What??' You thought.

[[ Alr my dudes, 1st of, sorry for not uplpading, 2nd, sorry that this one is so short, but i didnt sleep in like 5 days caused of stress 😭 i promise i'll Update as soon as i can!!]]

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