Day 2 (pt.1)

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After some minutes of total confusion, you fell asleep.

On the next morning, you did the same as the morning before. You walked into the kitchen and made yourself a cup of coffee. As you took your cup, Ren made himself a cup of coffee too. You looked at him, not sure if it was a dream or not. He notices you staring.

Ren:" Is everything alright, MC?"

You got ripped out of your thoughts.

" Hm? Oh yeah. I'm fine."

He looked at you for two more seconds, not sure if he should believe you or not, but then slightly smiled and shrugged.

Ren:" If you say so."

You made your way to the livingroom, and sat down on the sofa, but you noticed something.

'The fur...' you think ''s gone...god. are these guys gaslighting me?' You asked yourself. You shook your head to get a clear mind again, then took a sip of your coffee, and the World seemed a bit brighter again. Suddenly you remember something.

" SHIT!"

You yelled and jumped off the Sofa, straight to your room, and turned your laptop on. You forgot that you have an assigment til tomorrow. You were so in thoughts that you accidently bumped into Vincent.

Vincent:" Geez! Calm the fuck down! What made you shout like that??"

He asked.

" sorry, i just remembered I had a assigment til tomorrow."

Vincent:" Oh uhm...Well, you dont have to do that..."

" sure I do! Its due tomorrow!"

Vincent:" Well...not anymore, precious."

" What? What do you mean? And dont call me precious ."

Sano:" Ah damn...already?"

Vincent made an ' :[ ', nodded and answered.

Vincent:" mhm. "

You were confused.

Sano:" L-Listen, MC. It was the worst choice of your life to come here, even tho you couldnt have known it. Nobody did."

" what are you talking about?"

Cain:" the World forgot that you exist. "

You turned to Cain who just appeared.


Sano:" yea, mabey it would have been easier if a less brutal answer would have been told, but yes. "

" ok, what the actual fuck, is going on. "

Cain:" we were just about to explai-"

" No! Everyone shut the fuck up. What is even going on here?? First, yall are about to kill eachother, then you try to tell me that the World has ' forgot about me'- like- WHAT THE FUCK. And yall didnt wanted to tell me that we've got a fucking FURRY IN THIS APARTMENT. "

Vincent:" HEY! I'M NOT A FURRY!"


Sano:" Can we all calm down please? MC, this apartment is cursed. Once you've entered it, nobody remembers you. You are like- it is like you are dead. I know this is a lot, but you needed to know it."

"...yall are fucking insane. Yall are insane!"

Sano:" MC, please..."

" NO! Not -ME- more YO-" You couldnt finish your scentence as you felt a pain in your shoulder, and your vision became blury. After you became unconscious, you just heard some muffled voices.

" you fucking serious Lawr..."

" ..e'd pass out sooner or later anyw..."

After that you couldnt hear anything anymore.

Hours that felt like minutes later you woke up with an terrible headache.

" uuughhhhhh..." you opened your eyes and found yourself in your room. You tried to get up, but became dizzy as soon as you stood on your feet. You let yourself drop in bed again. You laid down, and covered your head with your hands. Then, you heard a soft knock at your door.

" mmhhhyeahh..?"

Ren peeked inside.

Ren:" Hey..."

" mhyeah?"

Ren:" How are you?"

He asked in a calm, low tone.

" mhhhhdunno.."

Ren:" Can i...can i come in?"

He asked.

" mhhyeah..."

He hesitated for a moment but got in anyways. Ren slowly walked up to you and sat down on your bed. You took a deep breath to collect energy.

" mhhh what is it...?"

Ren:" Just..just wanted to check if you're alright. "

" mmmmkayyy"

Ren:" Well...-are- you allright?"

"Mmmhhhdunno...are you alright?"

Ren:" Yeah...guess so. "

" Well, you look worried.."

Ren:" I do?"


He didnt answer.

"...-are- you worried?"

He didnt answer again.

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