day 4 (pt.2)

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Some hours later, you heard a knock at your door. You got off your bed and opened it, and you faced Ren.

Ren:"...Hey. uhm, are you ready to go?"

" what? Hm? Oh yeah. I just need to get dressed pretty quick. Give me five minutes, ok?"

Ren:" Yeah sure!"

Five mins later, you are fully dressed and made your way to the anteroom, where you saw Ren, leaning against the doorframe, being on his phone, who was wearing a dark green jacket, black Jeans, a white tee, and a scarf. This Outfit suited him surprisingly well.

Ren:" you should probably wear a scarf is pretty windy out."

" ok, thanks!"

You took the advice.

After you put on shoes, jacket and scarf, you went out.

After you two were walking for some minutes, he started:

Ren:" So. Tell me something about yourself. What you like to do. Or what music you listen to, or who you were before you came here. Only if you want to, ofc."

" hm...i really like to ( any Hobby of you ). And i Listen to ( fav music). "

The last question was kinda dark, so you thought it was for the best to dont answer it.

Ren:" Ah ok! Interesting!"

" and you?"

Ren:" Mh, lets see. I am really into anime, to be honest. "

" ok! And...the other questions?"

He looked at you, brows narrowed and with a slight smirk.

Ren:" You wanna know who I was before, huh?"

Shit. He was right.

" I uh."

Ren:" Oh dont worry. I think i owe you an explaination for the thing from some days ago, right?"


Ren:" Yeah i know. But lets wait til we're back home, hm?"

" dont hurry!"

Some walks later, you two came across a flowershop.

As you stepped in, you got overwhelmed by the scent. But in a good way. It smelled so good!

Ren:" Smells good, huh?"
He smiled at you.

" Totally!"

He chuckeled.

Ren:" so, lets look for some good decor flowers."

You two stamble through the Shop. You noticed a beautiful, red flower, and Show it to him.

" Look! This one is pretty!"

Ren:" Yeah! "

He mumbeled something, but you couldnt quite understand it.

" what?"

Ren:" Ah, nothing. "

After about an hour of looking, you two came to the conclousion to buy the flowers you found.

[[ back home ]]

As you step into the door, something felt strange to you. It was so...quiet...

" Hello ? "

Cain:" Hi. "

You hear Cain say from the livingroom, where Damien and Sano were sitting too, but then it was quiet again.

Ren:" Is something wrong?"

Damien took a deep breath, stood up, walked over to you and Ren, and said:

Damien:" Well, lets just say that we just found out who the fuck laid this curse on this apartment and anyone who lives in it."

Ren:"...I'm sorry, what-?"

Damien:" Oh yes, you heard me."

" then who is it?"

Damien:" Cain's....Mother."

Ren:" HOLD UP-"

Cain:" HEY! As sad as it is, but she's your mother aswell, christian!!"

[( I'm not saying anything against christians)]

Damien:" Yeah, but you're the reason she did all of this!!"

" is that even possible? "

Damien threw his head back into your direction.

Damien:" IN THAT she is no more human than I or Cain."

" ...wha-"

Sano placed his elbows on his knees and rubbed his temples, as Damien and Cain started arguing again.

Sano:" Jesus christ..."


Ok i'm gonna leave it like that because i have absoloutly NO DAMN MOTIVATION atm. And also, i want to keep the thrill * heheheh *

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