"I can offer you power like you've never imagined" The voice said again. It was getting really annoying, especially since its haunting whispers woke Felix up during the night. "No." He said exasperated to the air. He felt stupid, but his brain was full of thick fog and his body moved sluggishly so at that moment, it didn't matter if he spoke to the King or Ashion or to thin air in his pyjamas. Felix sat up, knowing there was no point going back to sleep. His bed groaned as his weight shifted and the cold air woke him further as he shifted in his blankets. "Felix. You know you need me" It pleaded again. The voice sounded confident and sinister. Whatever it was, he knew he had to oppose it. "But i mean you no harm" It said as if in reply to his thoughts. Felix knew by now it probably could read his mind. He yawned, running his hands through his spiky black hair. He looked through the window to find the sky a pale grey and immediately jumped out of bed. if the sky was that bright then he was late! Could the voice stop him from hearing his alarm? "You're forgetful, aren't you?" The voice asked. It took a few moments for Felix to process what that statement meant. "Oh, right..." he muttered, feeling even worse and sinking back into his gratefully warm bed. It was the first day of the school holidays. No one else was awake yet, though his family were always early to rise. he sat, staring out the window at the ever brightening sky for a time. "Felix." It said. Its tone was different this time- more sincere, "I truly mean you no harm. I cannot exist without you and in return, I can give you unique opportunities. Give me a chance, at least. Please Felix." He was surprised at the voice's admittance of weakness. He stood in front of the mirror in his room. His long face and sheer black eyes seemed sadder now than it ever had. his features angular and out of place in the country, where his olive skin alone made him stand out. "Don't you want to achieve something in this life?"

FantasyATTENTION: THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS STORY Whew, got that off my chest. Yeah... I'm not that good at finishing or at finding time to do all my stuff so, if you dare to get invested in this story, bear in mind it probably won't finish and will be r...