Craig had seen some weird stuff in his lifetime but this came across as completely ridiculous. He was going to walk across the street... except he couldnt. half of the street that led to the shops and his friends' houses had been sectioned off. Tape, cones and construction workers maintained the barrier, but it appeared as though a wall was being constructed. "Hey, kid!" A burly man bellowed at him from across the tape, "get lost! We don't need your sort of scum around here!" He looked irritated at Craig's presence. The man gestured violently to a sign that hung from a temporary post. It read:
A new decree of class definition has been passed. From this day forth, no class is to associate with its superiors or inferiors. The Prem class may only associate and assemble the Medi and Grad classes in emergencies.
Craig read no more. The sign went on about the benefits, mostly to the rich people rather than the Medis- his middle class, or the Grads who were supposedly his inferiors. Cursing, he stalked back away from his friends who he wished weren't as special as they were. The buildings quickly dropped from triple storey marvels to modest bungalows on the outskirts of the suburban jungle. Usually, he was fine with the new laws since a new king had gotten to power, but the more recent changes were more stupid than genius. Anger was still burning in his stomach. it felt like the heat was warming him against the cold more than his jacket. In a moment, he spun around and faced the wall with all its careless workers and equipment. He ran hard and launched himself at a metal beam supporting the wall. in the air, his hands were covered in a black, inky substance. his foot made good ground and he threw himself at more of the scaffolding, using his arms more than his legs to swing himself up and over the wall in remarkable time. he seemed to stick unnaturally to the beams and when he jumped, it was unusually high. Craig landed deftly and moved at a sprint. Sure, he was Dishonest, so what?

FantasyATTENTION: THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS STORY Whew, got that off my chest. Yeah... I'm not that good at finishing or at finding time to do all my stuff so, if you dare to get invested in this story, bear in mind it probably won't finish and will be r...