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Someone was yelling her name. It took a while before she could figure out what they were saying, and longer to force her tired eyes open. "Finally!" an annoying sister yelled, exasperated. "I've been hungry for an hour!"

"Lexi... Calm down." A half asleep big sister mumbled. The blankets were so warm... why couldn't she just go back to sleep? After all, it was the first day of the holidays. "Oh c'mon tess! Who else is going to make me breakfast?" Lexi persisted. Most likely their caretaker had felt the same way at being woken up so early. Tess shifted a tangle of brown hair out of her face and made a proper attempt to wake up. There was plenty of light in the room but being as large as it was, it made for poor warmth in the winter. Tess put her slippers and her bedrobe on as Lexi thrust them at her. They made their way through the halls to the kitchen and Lexi threw the doors of the fridge wide open. "I want... that!" she said, pointing to the eggs. She was still too short to reach the top of the fridge, though even their parents struggled to reach the top shelf. "Hungry, are we?" A maternal voice echoed around the whole living space. Tess didn't like her home- it was too big and empty. A tall, attractive woman strode towards them, a kindly expression on her face. "Morning, Gracie!" Lexi said happily. Their caretaker took the eggs from Tess' outstretched hands and began scrambling some eggs for the three of them. "So!" She said as they sat down at the table with their food, "First day of the holidays! I hope both of you have plans?" She asked, eyeing both of them. Only eleven, Lexi hadn't yet developed a speech filter which was evident as she said, "Tess is gonna go see the peasants again." The effect was instant A withering stare from Gracie caused Tess to wilt. "I know your friends are... dispriviledged but you know what people think of mixing class." she said carefully to Tess. Another thing she didn't like; everyone expected her to be Dishonest or to always do something wrong. Dishonesty is punishable by law- to the propagators, suspects and offenders. "There's nothing wrong with them and you know it" Tess said calmly to Gracie. She was a really nice woman but everyone seemed to dislike Tess by default. "Yes, i know but... well, all of you aren't- usual." She said. Lexi had forgotten her scrambled eggs and was listening with rapt attention across the table. Gracie was talking about Tess' school. Tess was extremely talented and intelligent- just like her friends. Unfortunately, it led most people to think they were Dishonest. No one wanted to be caught with a Dishonest, because it was a one-way ticket to the noose. Breakfast finished, Tess stood up and left her plate on the table- one great side to being wealthy was people did things for you. "I'm going to see Felix. I'll be home before Dinner." Tess said at the front door minutes later. Tess was dressed for a big day but her clothing looked too shabby when compared with the pearlescence of the home. She was old enough now that Gracie wasn't allowed to stop her going out on her own. she stepped out into the sunlight, its tentative rays warming her slightly. She didn't need to fit in with anything, she had her friends to see.

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