chap 1

33 1 0

hanaans pov

I sighed, as I looked out the window. I imagined myself in a movie or some sort listening to my music..
The plane hadn't taken off yet and I was waiting patiently, secretly hoping the seat beside me will be an empty seat so that I could lay down comfortably and try get some sleep.
to my surprise, some man comes and sits in my seat..

I didn't want it to seem like I was sulking, but I was. I wanted that seat for myself and this guy just comes up and sits there???..

He looked at me and I could notice his lips forming a smile so I smiled back not wanting to be rude. He was actually kind of cute.. I kept thinking.

3rd person pob ..

As they both stayed seated on the very plane, just before take off this man looks over to his right looking at hanaan. She could notice that he had an uneasy look on his face.. as if he was scared of what was about to come, little sweat droplets coming down his forehead.

Hanaan wasn't bothered she just looked away and continued listening to her music.

(after it took off)

Hanaan was texting her friends throughout the plane ride. Whereas the guy was reading a book right next to her. She talked about how she was so annoyed having to be seated next to a stranger although he seemed kind of cute she still didn't like the fact.

The cabin crews were going down the aisle passing around the little snacks and drinks on the plane, when they made it to them the guy picks up the snacks and the drink and hands it over to hanaan whose lost in the view she's seeing outside.

She jumps a little but eases soon grabbing her pack of nuts and waterbottle.

He says "No thank you?" looking at her. She didn't seem to hear it and responds with a "Huh?"

He repeats himself and she felt a little embarrassed after hearing it and quickly gave him a thank you.

She could feel her ears getting red from the second hand embarrassment but she reassured herself that it'll be okay..

30 minutes pass and nothing happens between them, they're both doing their own things and minding their own business as one should. Even when he seemed afraid and still a bit shaken up by the plane ride. She kept her glances and glanced over him from time to time to see if he's eased a bit but of course he wasn't.

He's afraid of flights. She could tell.

Although she didn't know his name, she already felt like she knew what kind of a person he was.

He was gentle and kind, and seemed like such a wuss and it made her laugh thinking about it and snapping bavk into reality when she noticed the cloud they were in started raining, staining the window with little rain drops.

He looked out the window and he seemed to be even more nervous. He didn't let it show that much because he was scared of what she might think. So he took a deep breath and closed his eyes and he kept his book on his lap. Hoping to fall asleep to the light raining noise outside.

When they could finally see the wheels of the plane touching the ground and violently shaking in their seats that's when the knew they've made it..

It's a small little island, they've arrived at. The plane was oddly empty but considering that the weather wasn't too good nobody was bothered and just wanted to get off their flight.

Finally it landed, and the look on the guys face changed, he seemed like he had found peace and breathed heavily closing his eyes. while smiling. Hanaan noticed this and found it ridiculous and says "what r u smiling ab"

He looks over to her and replies with a "we didn't die so I'm glad"

She laughed and they began talking.

He introduced himself and since hanaan hasn't ever gone to this island before he offered to help her out around the island. She accepted his little request. And they both got off the plane together.

While waiting for their luggage. Hanaan notices someone she knew in a distance, she squinted her eyes aggressively trying to figure out this person's figure

and then she realises that it is..

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