chap 4

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They've arrived. It's looking quite empty as they were told to arrive earlier than the guests to make sure everything's in place.

Zee looks amazing with her white dress on. It flowed perfectly and gracefully in the wind. Luffy on the other hand was dressed neat and tight. His suit bring fit for him.


Hanaan and sreeram arrived, sreeram has brought his Canon camera with him so he could take their pictures and hanaan took one good look at zee and she felt like tearing up seeing her bestfriend marry someone.

"Oh my gosh hanaan. you actually wore a dress!!" She laughed
"I had no choice zee, you threatened me and told me if I didn't wear one I couldn't come to your wedding" Hanaan rolled her eyes.

"And who's that? is that our photographer?" Zee looks over and waves. She can obviously see a camera in his hands.

Hanaan signals zee to come closer so she could whisper something into her ear.
"That's the guy I was talking about... it just happens to be your photographer as well.."

Zee looks over and raises an eyebrow "HIM?!?" she gasped. Her eyes form a smile and so does her mouth.

There she goes again teasing her nonstop and hanaan feeling the embarrassment again.

Sreeram heard their conversation and he blushed as well.

Sreeram pov

I should ask her out on a date today after the party.. She seems to like me too and I like her a lot too.. when she smiles it really is contagious and I can't help myself but smile too. And her friend Zee seems to be having a lot of fun too.

(end of his pov)

They finally set the place up. It looks amazing although the weather ruins it, the groom and bride looks angelic. Sreeram sets his camera infront the both of them ready to take pictures and Hanaan is seated at the vip table with shara and a few of her other friends.

Until Hanaan sees Shahau walk over to their venue. She could see him freeze up when he saw sreerams face and then glances towards Hanaans direction. He awkwardly fake smiles as he can feel sreeram look at him with those piercing eyes right through his soul.

His eyes speaks so well.

His eyes tell him not to hurt Hanaan.

He understood. And walked the opposite direction to greet Luffy. Still keeping that awkward fake smile on his face afraid he might get another slap to his face.

Its around 4pm and the party finally begins with the guests coming and sitting in their seats. It starts off really emotional with their vows and Hanaan of course cried. Sreeram smiled seeing her sad face. Her nose was all red and her lips looked like a ducks lips.

Then finally after it was time for the main event, food of course. The line was super long at the buffet and it smelled quite amazing too.

Hanaan looked up while drinking her coke when she noticed a huge rain cloud coming. She told Zee and she told her that it'll just probably pass by and everything will be fine as she 'checked' the weather that day..

What a bunch of blatant lies Hanaan thought thinking about how everyone will cover themselves if it does rain.

Nonetheless she was admiring sreeram from afar he looks amazing while talking pictures for other people. He himself looks like an expensive painting.

to Zees surprise (definitely not hanaans) it starts raining.

Sreeram had to think fast to cover his camera so it doesn't break just like that when he noticed hanaan was getting wet too. He grabbed her hand and the went to hide in a cafe not far from the beach area.

Hanaan was pissed. Especially she was wearing a dress and now it had felt so heavy and even more annoying.

She could see Zee struggling to get into the van with her huge dress.. luffy following her. All the guests had ran off but some had stayed enjoying the rain.

It was clearly a big mess and a wedding ruined.

"I swear that girl never listens. I told her a week ago that today might not be a good day to have the wedding" She sulked.

"I thought so too. When I went on my morning run today it seemed to just be fine until I got home"

They waited in the café and eventually ordered some hot coffee while waiting. They talked throughout the whole time bonding more.

That's when sreeram remembered he had to ask her on a date when someone caught his eye walking into the cafe. It was Theeba.

Theeba was his ex, they had a pretty messy breakup. So messy that Theeba lost all her friends and was left with nothing.

She noticed him and then she noticed hanaan and cocked and eyebrow.


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