chap 5..

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It's Theeba's voice and Hanaan turned around her face being met with her face.

The horror on sreerams face shifts. He's uncomfortable seeing her. He knew something bad had happened with them in the past but Theeba nor him told Hanaan about it.

His foot aggressively tapped on the tiles. It almost sounded like he was tap dancing because he was so nervous. Theeba starts walking towards them.. sreeram unable to look into her eyes he avoided all eye contact.

That's when he realised both Theeba and Hanaan were friends.. more like bestfriends..

The way they greeted each other spoke a lot.

sreeram pov

I couldn't believe it. Its been 3 years since I last saw her face. She's changed so much. She looks so much prettier. It's hard to look at her face knowing what happened.

Looking at hanaan I start to feel bad. My gut starts twisting and I felt the sudden urge to throw up but I held it in.

I can't let her know.

She's looking at me. I can feel it. Oh my god. My shoes will come off at this rate if it keeps tapping against the floor.

I come to stop. They seem distracted having their own conversation until Hanaan introduces me to her.

(end of his pov)

Both Theeba and Hanaan have a conversation when Hanaan introduces him to her.

Theeba looks at him no specific emotion on her face just a smile. But sreeram knows her. He knows that's not a real smile. He knows her quite too well..

They both greeted each other as if its their first time again. Which they both know isn't. But Hanaan doesn't know.

They smiled. Hanaan felt their tension some how.

"Have you guys met before?"

It looked like sreeram was waiting for Theeba but no reply came out so instead sreeram just says a simple 'no'.

That's when Zee calls Hanaans phone and Sreeram is grateful because he didn't want to look at Theebas face anymore.

It was almost 7pm and they've been there for hours and just ready to go home..

Theeba left after getting her coffee order. Still glaring back at sreeram. Hanaan noticed she thought Theeba was hitting on him and felt rather uncomfortable with her friend doing this.

"Does she make you uncomfortable? It seems so."

He nodded and finished the last bit of his coffee looking outside. The sun had already set and only puddles of rain had been left.

That's when they knew it was time to go home.


Sreeram dropped Hanaan home first and went home himself. He felt like he was getting followed for some reason but he didn't think much of it. He made it home, he threw his jacket on the floor and he sat down on the vanity chair with his camera.

He hissed. The camera looked like it was in bad shape. He set it aside and started taking off his tie when he noticed in the corner of his eye, a pair of eyeballs looking at him through the window.

He jumped, like actually jumped knocking over the chair.

He heard a knock on the door and he immediately knew who it was. This person always used the middle and index finger and you could also hear their rings thumping on the wooden door.

Sreeram took a deep breath walking over to the door before unlocking it and being met with a familiar face.

It's Theeba, she was the one who had been following him

She waited till both hanaan and him had left the cafe and silently followed them.

"You didn't expect to see me did you?" She said smirking. crossing her arms.

Sreeram felt angry all of a sudden, he had no reason to not be. She's always been crazy. like always.

"Why were you with her? Do you even know her as well as you know me?"

Sreeram didn't respond.

"I thought so"
"I hope you're living all fine now. I mean you practically left me with nothing."

Sreeram wants to say something but he couldn't. All he could think of was Hanaan..

Back to hanaan-

Hanaans Pov

Sreeram still hasn't texted me back. I wonder why. Maybe he fell asleep? Oh no. But he told me he'd text as soon as he went home. I shouldn't be worried. I'm tired and he looked tired too.

It was weird in the cafe. Theeba acted all weird as if she knew him. I should ask her about it later.

Meanwhile. I'm gonna send Zee a text. She's probably crying and sobbing her eyes out right now on how her party ended.

(end of pov)

Hanaan texts Zee and she calls her and Hanaan picks up.

"Zee?" Hanaan could hear some sniffles.

Then goes " AACHOOO " ..

"I'm sick. This stupid rain ruined everything. Me and luffy are both sick."

"I told you this would happen. But guess who didn't listen to me."

"Next time" Zee says as she coughed.

"Alright wel-"

That's when she starts receiving a call from sreeram.

Hanaan got a gut feeling. And she let it ring for a second or too before picking up


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