Chapter 11

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We left off with Sisu having been shot in the heart accidentally by Namaari. Sand jumped over the edge of the cliff to catch Sisu... Everyone is shocked, and Raya pursues Namaari into a final battle while the City of Fang is attacked by Druun...


Boun, Tong, Noi, and Tuk-Tuk, along with the three Ongis, enter Fang, each holding a gem shard to repel the Druun. The city is in complete chaos, as the Druun are swooping around like an unrelenting whirlwind of destruction. The team's shards barely break through the swirling dark clouds of demon spirits. Amidst the chaos, Boun spots Raya fighting in the distance.

BOUN : "Raya!" He shouts

Raya doesn't hear him, she is completely focused on her fight with Namaari. Their blades flashed like quicksilver as they clashed.

TONG : "She cannot see us, Raya is blinded by her rage!"

Boun sees people trying to escape the city, but it's chaos. He looks at his gem piece, seeing its light flicker.

BOUN : "The gem's powers are fading! All these people are druun-food if we don't get them outta here!"

They all nod. It's time to be the heroes... Boun and Tuk-Tuk help two kids who are hiding behind some debris.

BOUN : "Come on! Trust me, it's gonna be okay"

The kids climb onto Tuk-Tuk and Boun races them out of there.

BOUN : "Stupid Druun! Outta my way! Go go go!"

As he does, Tong scoops up as many people as possible to get them out of the city, and helps up an elderly lady.

Some Druun start to close in on a scared couple. With the help of the Ongis, Noi uses a gem shard to ward it away.

BOUN : "Get to the water! Keep going! Keep going!" He encourages the townsfolk

Raya and Namaari are in a fierce fight, with neither of them willing to give up. Namaari gains the upper hand, just like in their previous fight, but this time Raya doesn't back down. Raya disarms Namaari by smacking her swords out of her hands, then kicks her to the ground. As Namaari falls, her dragon pendant falls off. Namaari quickly reaches out to grab it, while Raya raises her blade...

NAMAARI : "I never meant for any of this to happen"

RAYA : "Liar!!"

NAMAARI : "I don't care if you believe me... Sisu did, but you didn't trust her.... That's why we're here"

Her words make Raya flinch.

NAMAARI : "Do whatever you want, but you're as much to blame for Sisu's death as I am"

Raya gazes at her reflection in her raised sword, while Namaari shuts her eyes. As she looks back at her own reflection, Raya realizes the anger in her eyes. She hears the sounds of her comrades aiding the escaping citizens amidst the chaos and destruction. She turns around and faces her friends once again.

BOUN : "Tong, there's still people back there! Hurry, we're running out of time!"

TONG : "Got it! Everyone out! Come with me!"

Namaari look up to where Raya stood and discovers that she had already left, choosing to spare her.

Raya joins her friends in their efforts to help people evacuate the city. They look relieved to see her helping instead of fighting.

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