Chapter 5

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Sisu and Sand have just returned from the shadow realm.... Sisu is filled with many conflicting emotions, such as sadness for what happened to Sand, as well as curiosity about why he was truly cursed. The new and strange feeling of fluffiness and shyness from holding his hand also was prominently on her mind.... What will happen next!?......


Raya rolled quickly through the city streets of the back to tuk-tuk, causing an uproar as people rushed out of the way. After hearing who the talon leader actually was, she rushed to the boat, only to find Sisu was gone. Boun Informed her of how Sisu had left the boat, accompanied by the tall stranger.

In a panicked rush, she pushed through the streets of Talon, looking and asking for any sign of Sisu. She got plenty of replies, most angry ones, demanding that she pay them for the things that Sisu took without paying.

Eventually, someone told her that the duo was taken away by Dang Hu herself and that they were probably already statues.

Raya rushed towards the city gates, not caring about what she ran into, she knew she had to get there quickly.

But she was too late, and she watched the gates close, and Dang Hu turned around holding her piece of dragon gem.

RAYA : "NOOOOOO!!!! What have you done!!" She shouts in despair and anger

Raya races over on Tuk-Tuk and knocks out the two bodyguards. She points her sword at the fallen Dang Hu.

RAYA : "What did you do to Sisu?!!" She shouts

DANG HU : "Ha, your friends are already Druun food... you're too late!! I must admit, I have never seen a person face their end so fearlessly, and such a handsome spine warrior too... But it's over for them, so now you can give me the rest of the dragon gems pieces that you have, or you will end up just like them!"

RAYA : "Nooooo!!!" She shouts, ignoring the old lady's threat.

Raya then uses Tuk-Tuk to bust open the gates, rushing to see the fate of Sisu and the mystery man.


The sound of the large city gates busting open drew the attention of Sand and Sisu, who stood amongst the stone statues of the poor souls that were sacrificed to the Druun by Dang Hu.

The figure of Raya on Tuk-Tuk was the first thing they saw rushing out of the gate, followed by the small figure of the nefarious old lady.

Both were shocked to see Sisu and Sand standing perfectly unharmed amongst the statues.

DANG HU : "How?!"

RAYA : "You're alright!!?!"

SISU : "RAYA!!" Sisu says with joy and runs over

Sand follows quietly behind Sisu, his eyes staring down at Dang Hu, who is looking rightly confused and scared.

As Raya pulls Sisu up on Tuk-Tuk, Sand walks over the the old lady, who was standing there, rooted to the spot.

DANG HU : "H-How?!"

Sand kneels in front of her and plucks the dragon gem piece right out of her hand.

SAND : "There many things in life that no amount of anything could save a person from it... I am one of those things... You remember that for next time, alright?"

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