Chapter 1

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The loud, sharp sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the place. What I could hear were loud buzzing sounds like a bunch of bees dancing in my ear. And the next moment I was lying in a pool of blood on the floor

My blood pressure will start to drop quickly. And in 10 to 15 seconds I will lose my brain function. But this is enough time to explain the whole situation

Next to me, a girl in the A.D.A (Advanced Development Academy) uniform. His short black hair, which he had cut at the end of our first year at the academy, was now disheveled.

His normally sharp eyes were now wide and watery. Horikita Suzuni


In front of me a few meters away. Ayanokoji, my father, was pointing a gun at me, now shaking, steam was coming out of the gun's mouth after firing the shot.

"... Why?..."

He said with a confused face as if he couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

To better explain the situation, my father manipulated Horikita by dragging her to an isolated area of ​​the school where he planned to execute her.

As Horikita was one of the reasons I stayed at this school as I planned to make our class invincible with Horikita as the leader. So then I can have a fight with them switching classes

My father realized what I was doing and planned to eliminate Horikita in an easier way, taking her to a secluded place where she wouldn't arouse suspicion and killing her.

But what my father didn't expect was for me to appear with her. But my father still took out his gun and pointed it at Horikita.

My father's reasoning was that even my presence wouldn't change anything because even if he killed Horikita I wouldn't report him, and he was right.

As time went on, my father squeezed the trigger, the soft but sharp sound came from the gun's silencer.

But in the next moment, something that no one expected, not even I could understand what led me to act this way. I got in front of Horikita and got shot for her

The ditch hit my heart and death was certain

"Kiyotaka!! What did you do! What made you do something so reckless! You're not like that, I knew it! This school changed you Kiyotaka!!"

My father screamed aloud. He wasn't crying because his son was close to death, but because he lost a piece that he would never find again until the last day of his life, even after 200 to 500 years. But I was killed in a ridiculous way

Yes, this really doesn't sit well with me, making such an irrational move like this, getting fatally shot by someone else. But, my body simply moved on its own, for a moment I felt a new emotion running through my body and I simply acted according to this emotion.Maybe I wanted to end this boring life I was leading, or I simply wanted to protect a friend... A friend

"Ayanokoji... Ayanokoji... why..."

Next to me on her knees Horikita cried

Did I want to protect her? Was it she who made me act so irrationally? I don't know

As it neared the end, Chairman Sakayanagi, the school principal, appeared with a few more men behind him.

With this my plan came to an end, now the director has a reason to frame my father. This was the end of Ayanokoji my father and probably the white room. And also... my end

The people around were screaming and Horikita was crying, but I could no longer hear them, my vision was becoming blurred and I could no longer feel pain. Until I turned it off

This was the end of Ayanokoji Kiyotaka


My head was hurting, which was strange since I couldn't feel any more pain after the blood stopped circulating in my brain and lost its function.

Not only that, the floor was strangely soft and comfortable. There's no way I'm alive after being shot in the heart

There wouldn't be enough time to take me to a hospital, and the smell circulating in the air didn't seem like a hospital, and it didn't seem like my room either because the smell wasn't familiar to me.

I slowly opened my eyes, I was lying on a bed, the furniture, the decoration of the room and the rest were strange to me.

I got out of bed and walked over to a full-length mirror, but what I saw next would scare even the smartest of people, but I tried not to get excited, because for some reason, I had no face, just a question mark. it was there

Soon after, a virtual window appeared floating next to me, with something written

[Welcome, after your death you were reincarnated in a novel called'The Returnee Hero'. Congratulations on your second chance at life]

... What is that?

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