chapter 5

139 7 1

"I died in all of them"

The memories of my four futures of the four gifts I obtained keep resonating in my head, and in all of them there is one thing in common, and that is that in all of them I died in the end. Just as I thought, even though I became as strong as the main character, it always ended up with the same scenario with the world being taken over by demons, even though I gathered all the most powerful entities in the novel and used them, in the end it wasn't enough. But now that I've seen the futures, I've managed to discover the reason for the defeats... but for that, I must evolve as quickly as possible to prevent the novel's finale


[Synchronization of the memories of the future....... 100% complete]

[Random gift update...]


[Disintegration and reversal]

- Disintegration: can disintegrate anything, with no limit to inanimate things or living beings, as long as they are at the practitioner's level.

- Reversion - revert anything destroyed to its normal state, with no limit on inanimate things, can revert living beings, but the limit is death, as long as they are at the practitioner's level.


[Novel difficulty increased by 25%]


[You have gained a bonus Skill]

[magical computing]

- If the user has an enormous knowledge of magic, they will be able to develop their own skills in the future. 3 in total


So that's the new information, leaving aside the first gift. The skill of magical computing surprised me, with the knowledge of the memories of the future that I obtained from the master of creation and aquimia. It won't be a problem for me to create new skills that will be very useful

But now... I think I should test the gift I've been given

I got up from the sofa, looked around the room for an object to test my abilities on, but looking back, I decided to test it on the sofa itself. I put my hand on the sofa and thought


A glowing circle appeared floating in my hand, soon after which the sofa began to glow and disintegrate into shiny particles that soon disappeared. Where the sofa used to be, there was now nothing, no ash or dust

It worked. Now then...


A circle reappeared in my hand, and glowing particles began to emerge and form something, the sofa that had disappeared moments ago began to form in its normal state

Now that I'd finished the magic, I approached the sofa and sat down again, the softness I'd felt before hadn't changed at all, it was as if the sofa had never disappeared. I began to observe my hand

This gift may be better than I thought. If the limit in living beings is death, it means it can reverse a severed arm and a terminal illness. It will really come in handy


[Sakamoto Ken character change synchronization........ Synchronizing new character Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Updating...]


What's this?


[Synchronization 99.9% complete. Sakamoto Ken's data has been replaced from the world to Ayanokoji Kiyotaka]


Synchronization of my data? and why isn't it complete?

I got up from the sofa and approached a mirror, and just like that, what I had imagined really happened. My real face returned, as did the size of my body, which adjusted to my real size, but... there was something different. There was a mark around my neck

I certainly didn't have this mark on my neck before my death, now that I see it, the synchronization stopped at 99.9%

I looked at the window that had been silent until now and asked

"Hey, can you tell me what this is on my neck?"

[Possibly it belonged to the character you took over, for the synchronization not to be complete means that this mark had a big impact on the character]

"I see..."

Well, it's not as if she bothers me

I walked over to the bed and lay down, thinking about what to do tomorrow

I walked over to the bed and lay down, thinking about what to do tomorrow

[Are you going to sleep yet?]

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[Are you going to sleep yet?]

"Yes, tomorrow will be the start of the first classes, the synchronization of the memories of the future made me tired, so I intend to sleep now"

[I understand, I just want you to be aware that as of tomorrow, I won't be there to help you anymore, okay?]


[In that case, goodbye]

The window then disappeared into thin air. I closed my eyes and fell asleep


Early in the morning I woke up and got ready. I hardly did anything for two weeks. I spent most of my time on the internet, ate when I was hungry and went back to the internet to look for a way out


It was only 57 minutes to school

But first of all, there was something that still bothered me, which was this mark around my neck, normally I wouldn't care, but it would probably attract a lot of attention from the people around me. It looks like a strangulation mark, so if I could cover it with something it would be better

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a blue handkerchief. This scarf had been in this pocket since I first appeared in this body, and even after the synchronization it was still there. So without wasting any time I tied the blue scarf to hide the mark on my neck

Now that everything was ready, I walked towards the door, turned the handle and looked back.

My home for the last two weeks. The room in the apartment I barely found thanks to the address written on my cadet card

The cube floated in the middle of the East Sea. Once I left, I probably wouldn't come back. I opened the door, and as soon as I left, I closed the door

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka incarnated in a magic novelWhere stories live. Discover now