Chapter 2

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[Welcome to 'the Return Hero']

"... What is that?"

The Return Hero?

Strange things beyond logic started to happen after my death. That is if I really am dead

First waking up in an unfamiliar place, the fact that I didn't have a face and most importantly, this digital window that appeared next to me with words

This could be a dream, but it doesn't seem to be the case, because I'm not fooled by something like that. Maybe it could be some kind of advanced virtual reality experiment, with me as the guinea pig. But it's also hard for me to believe this

Breathing, touch, smell, all the senses that make up a person, I can feel them normally. No problem or defect. or virtual reality is actually very advanced. But to reach this level...

I turned my gaze to the window

[The Return Hero]

The returning hero. Where did I see this word?

If I search the depths of my memory, I remember seeing something similar, a novel that Ike and Sudo were reading and that they recommended to me by chance.

But I only read the epilogue since it didn't interest me, but they didn't stop bombarding me about the content of the story and that's why it stuck in my head. The title was 'The returning hero'. The synopsis is as follows

One day, the world was faced with a calamity. Towers and dungeons appeared out of nowhere, bringing monsters with them

And these monsters attacked humans, plunging the world into disaster. Especially on the Korean peninsula. It became a regime where dungeons and towers appeared nonstop, and the monster attacks were worse than anywhere else. It was literally hell

But then people appeared who fought these monsters. In the novel these people are called heroes

Korea fought against monsters using the power of heroes. Little by little they managed to take control of the towers and dungeons. And using the industry created around the calamity they managed to recover from this crisis. Time passed and Korea became a global power that rivaled the United States

Thus, becoming a prominent country, where heroes from all over the world met. Korea, as an increase in security against the increase in monsters and dungeons, founded an institution of cutting-edge magic and state-of-the-art magic engineering. The Cube

'A Cubo' is where fallen heroes from all over the world, who managed to pass a totally difficult test, come together. And that's where the protagonist, the hero who will save the world, is, Kim Suho. Along with his rival Shin Jhogan

This was just an explanation of the entire context of the story. If I'm really into this novel, it means the chances of it being a virtual reality increase, but I'm still not convinced

I looked at the window again

"You can talk?"


That's what was written on the window

"In that case, answer me, is this real?"

[Define, real]

"You said that I died and was reincarnated in a world from a novel, but that's something that's hard for me to believe. The chances of this all being a virtual reality experiment is the only thing that comes to mind, but there are facts that don't can be ignored, that's why I can't believe this issue either"

[Why do you think this?]

It seems like he wants to make me go towards a goal that will prove once and for all whether this is really real or not, but this is happening because I'm asking the right questions

There are several factors that didn't make me believe that this is actually a virtual reality as I explained before. But the most important thing was something that happened when I was shot, at that time...

"When my father shot me, it was you who caused the bullet to hit my heart, am I right?"


A silence hovered, although for two seconds, it was enough to prove my theory

[Why do you think this?]

When my father shot, I calculated the angle and trajectory at which the bullet would hit Horikita, with the right precision and speed I got in front of Horikita with the certainty that the bullet would not hit my vital points. But contrary to what I expected, the bullet made a strange curve in the middle of the shot and hit my heart, killing me.

[Are you sure of your statement? It could be a calculation error on your part, don't you think?]

"It would be the case if it were anyone else, but that person is me, I don't make mistakes"

A simple and direct answer, I'm confident in my abilities and I know I wouldn't make a simple mistake like that. The angle at which the weapon was pointing, the terrain where we were, the wind speed that would influence the weapon's firing, all based on my concrete statements without any flaws.

[You know, I was right to choose you]

Pick me? What is this supposed to mean? No, more important...

"Who are you?"

[You can call me anything, how about 'system'? It's simpler right? like a game]

"That's not what I meant, and you certainly know what I really meant]

Unbelievable things that not even science could explain are happening to me as soon as I woke up, it wouldn't be strange to say that all of this is about something beyond logic, about an entity above any race

"I want to know who you really are"

[I see, you got me, but unfortunately I can't tell you]


[You don't have the authority yet]


[So that's it, I'll take my leave now, tomorrow you'll receive the rest of the instructions so don't worry. Oh, that's right, you're already in the second year of Cube, tomorrow morning the school will announce the ranking of the best students in the arena, don't be late. Now I say goodbye. Tchão]

"Hang on..."

Before I finished speaking, the window disappeared from in front of meWhat should I do about my face?

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka incarnated in a magic novelWhere stories live. Discover now