Chapter 6

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The world's largest training institute with magic, science and cutting-edge engineering


Cube was the name of a huge island located in the East Sea. This artificial island was twice the size of Yeouido

In this huge area, there were only around 5,000 Hero cadets, of which 1,300 were first-years. While 2,000 non-combatants graduated two weeks ago, elite cadets from all over the world had gathered here, making it more competitive than before. In a way, the place was too tough and sad to house 17 to 19 year olds.

And from the second year, the magicians who chose to become heroes would come from the 'National University of Magic', so there would be another 200 ~ 300 cadets.

In addition, there were training instructors, cafeteria ladies, cleaners, recruiters visiting occasionally, government associates, engineers who did maintenance and operations, soldiers sent as security guards, doctors and researchers to look after cadets, convenience store employees who worked under the Cube and much more ... With all these people, around 50,000 people resided in Cube.

Naturally, this place was a very important buzz where investors' attention was focused. Given that the setting of my novel was followed faithfully, Korea was a world power that rivaled the United States. I seemed to remember listing several reasons for this, but the most obvious reason was that I was Korean.

In any case, Sakamoto Ken was a member of the Cube, so he could be considered an elite

Therefore, Sakamoto's destiny was to live in areas separate from the main storyline. Although he wouldn't have lived the important and oppressive life of the main character, he would probably have lived a comfortable and carefree life.

Looking at the classroom door, I sighed

[Beginner - Veritas]

I didn't sigh because I was worried or nervous, but out of boredom

In my four visions of the future, I left the cube before the end of the second term, because I thought I could no longer learn anything from the cube. But this time it's different, because of that notification

[The difficulty of the novel has increased by 25%]

Even in this institute, the main characters have gone through near-death scenes, and now with the difficulty increased, I feel obliged to keep an eye on them so that nothing can happen to them. Because they will undoubtedly be needed to prevent the end of this novel

I looked back at the door to the room

[Beginner - Veritas]

Beginners referred to first-year cadets, while Veritas was the name of the class. Simply put, I was in 1st year, class 1

{People, I've changed it here, they're not in the second year but in the first, sorry for the confusion}

I knew what that class was.

Shin Jonghak and Kim Suho were in this class, and as cliques formed around them, many schemes, mainly initiated by Shin Jonghak and his followers, would make the class turbulent. As a member of the class, I would probably be dragged along regardless of my will.

After standing still for a while, I opened the door to the room

The interior was elegant; white with no sign of dust and three long cascading tables.

Where should I sit?

I looked around the classroom and found Shin Jonghak sitting on the farthest bench. With his eyes closed and his hands in his pockets, he looked imposing. Next to him was his childhood friend, Yoo Yeonha, chatting.

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