Chapter 9

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In the middle of the night, I left my room. The gun in my pocket rattled uncomfortably, but I couldn't do anything without a chill

My destination was the shooting range.

Located to the east of dormitory 1, the shooting range was a dome-shaped building made up of 20 training rooms. The targets were strangely distributed around where the sniper would be. This was because, unlike bullets, magic arrows could easily change their trajectory.

[Level 934, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, confirmed.]

As I held my smartwatch against the entrance to the shooting range, an unfamiliar robotic voice called my name

Beyond the large circular hall, there were ten doors equally separated from each other. I raised my smartwatch against one of them.

[Level 934, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, confirmed.]

The door opened.

The firing range looked simple. In the center of the 130-square-meter circular space was a scaffold for the shooter. I walked towards the center. As I placed my feet on the low scaffolding, a polite robotic voice sounded from the ceiling.

[Select the number of targets you want.]

[You must choose a minimum of 2 and can choose a maximum of 20].


My voice sounded and blue insect-like objects appeared from the ground.

I looked at the targets around me. A monster that was barely considered a monster, mole crickets. They were similar to the mole crickets everyone knew, with the only difference being that they were much bigger.

[Choose your training difficulty.]

[You can study from stage 1 to stage 9].

A higher level naturally meant that the targets moved faster. At stage 9, the targets even attacked. Although the attacks should only be responsible at best, they were still dangerous for me.

"Stage 4."

First, I set the difficulty to stage 4 and loaded my magic bullets.


First, I notified the system to start and aimed my gun at the leftmost target.

The slow-moving mole cricket seemed to have noticed my hostility as it began to accelerate. It writhed without a definite movement pattern, but I could see its trajectory. It was as if I was seeing an afterimage, but of its future path.

Preventing its movement by one step, I pulled the trigger

A blue flare went off from the barrel. There was no loud noise like Earth's weapons. Leaving the barrel silently, the bullet should pierce the mole cricket.

I didn't bother to check the result with my eyes. The moment the bullet left, I moved on to the next target and fired

One, two, three, four... ten.

The trigger was pulled ten times, and the mole crickets that were hit were reduced to a particle of mana.

None survived


[Your training has ended. Elapsed time: 1.37 seconds. Accuracy score: 80/100]

It wasn't satisfactory because the result was already obvious. In this case

"Stage nine, twenty targets, start"

I decided to increase the difficulty to try something out. The monsters once again appeared on the field, but this time they were bigger than before and probably much faster. As soon as they appeared, unlike before, they came running to attack me

I pointed my gun at them, focused my attention on them and fired. Unlike before, my shots were more powerful, the barrel glowing more brightly than before

The approaching monsters were being swept away by my shots. This is because unlike before, I have become skilled at controlling magical power, performing a feat of compressing the magical power in each bullet fired to increase its power even more.

That's why firearms aren't used even by the most skilled, it's no use just having immense magical power or talent, your mental capacity must be fast while maintaining focus on embedding mana in each bullet, which is already impossible if you don't have immense mana control. Using your mind to such an extent can lead to very serious mental distortions if it continues to be used to this extent, even I am no exception

That's why heroes prefer to use a much simpler bow or a sword

But I can easily solve this problem with reversal, my Dom. Using reversal, the mental retort disappears instantly, returning me to my normal state, but what surprised me most is that even my mana returns to normal. From this point on, it's as if I can recharge my mana whenever I want to

It's a strange Dom and extremely useful without seeming to be flawed. That's why I'm using this training to see the limits of my gift

I won another victory by defeating everyone. But it still wasn't enough, so I started again


After twenty games, I decided to finish

I used the reversal about five times, and in none of them did I feel any defects

At around 3am, I stopped my shooting practice. After leaving the shooting room, I was relaxing my sore finger when I heard a noise next door.

- whoosh whoosh whoosh

The faint sound of shock waves. It was the sound of arrows cutting through the air. The source was the next room. Curious, I peeked in. I shouldn't have seen anything because of the closed door, but I could see through it.

The door dimmed and the interior was revealed.

The scene beyond the door showed why bows were superior to guns.

"It's Chae Nayun."

Chae Nayun was practicing target practice with a festive face. Four arrows were in his bow. They were magic arrows woven with magic power. As her magic power technique was lacking, she couldn't perform 'split shooting', which multiplies a single arrow into multi-directional shots.

- Wow!

Chae Nayun released the bowstring. Her arrows left behind a blue trail of magical power as they were launched towards the 20 targets. As they followed each other alive, his arrows obliterated the targets.


She's good. But even so, Chae Nayun's real offer wasn't for bows. There was a weapon that suited her much better

At that moment, Chae Nayun suddenly turned. Her eyes met mine. Although she couldn't see me through the wall, something still seemed strange

So I pushed her aside and left

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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