Chapter 1

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Ranpo's day to day life

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Ranpo's day to day life

I've been watching my dear Ranpo closely, I have watched his every single move. Most people may think this is weird but to me.. It's knowing more about Ranpo. I had finally figured out those feelings I have towards him. The feeling was love, something I could never get rid of. I had felt this feeling and I could never get it off my chest to tell him. I decided to make sure my Ranpo-san doesn't love anyone else but me. Even if he may not feel that way towards me yet, I feel this way towards him. Ranpo-san will someday understand my undying love for him~...

Poe decides to follow Ranpo to see where he was off to now. He watched him carefully to make sure he wouldn't talk to somebody with loving feelings since he had thought Ranpo must only love him.

He saw Ranpo talking to a woman, much taller than him. Poe didn't know much about this woman but Ranpo seemed to know her well. Also seemed to enjoy her company.. Poe took this as a threat.. He watched their every move.

"Heyy Yosano!! Did you bring the snacks I asked for?"

Ranpo said with a cheerful and childish expression.

"Sure did Silly goober"

Yosano had a smile on her face then took Ranpo's hat and ruffled his hair

"Yosano !! Stop that!! You messed up my hair now!! Now give me back my hat! The ultimate detective can't be the ultimate detective without his hat!"

Ranpo looked like he was about to throw a tantrum with a childish pout on his face but Yosano had changed his face once she shoved a lollipop into his mouth.

"Here. Eat up you little gremlin."

Yosano wanted to tease Ranpo to make him annoyed with her. She enjoyed teasing him especially when he would throw tantrums. Ranpo was going to throw a tantrum but looked away instead.

"Thanks for the snacks."

Poe could barely hear what they were saying and that made it harder for him to know who the girl was and why Ranpo seemed to like her so much.

"Just give me the bag of snacks so I can go home! Hmp!"

Ranpo was getting impatient for his snacks to be able to eat while watching some cartoons.

"Alright Alright! Little gremlin."

Yosano gave Ranpo the snacks but from afar seemed to be a little romantic gift to Poe when the bag was decorated with a flower pattern and red hearts. Poe knew that to him that was a romantic love gift to Ranpo. At least that's what it looked like to him.

"I should be heading out to continue my shopping, cya Ranpo!"

Yosano waved goodbye to Ranpo.


Ranpo waved back like how a child would when they say goodbye to their parents after enjoying their first day of school and is happy to leave to enjoy another day.

Yosano and Ranpo headed their separate ways. Poe was deciding if he should follow this woman or follow his dear Ranpo. He decided to follow the mysterious woman. While doing so he finally found out about her social and day to day life. It seems that she is a co-worker of his dear Ranpo at the ADA.

"All done with my shopping.. Now I can go home chillax, watch movies, eat dinner, get ready for bed, then sleep like a baby."

Yosano started heading back home. Poe followed her just to get rid of his competition, besides he must eliminate those in his way from his undying love for Ranpo. At least that's how he saw this.

Will she be alright once she gets home? Ranpo had thought to himself wondering if they should have hung out longer.

Well Ranpo should have gone with his gut because he will soon find his bestie, his sister figure..

Maybe find her.. Dead

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