Chapter 4

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Tragedy for most

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Tragedy for most

"W-We need to tell the others.. That Yosano isn't the way we thought we would find her..."

Dazai exclaimed to Kunikida who was having a mental breakdown on what he just saw... Her death didn't look like a suicide so someone had killed her.. But who would ever kill her?

They went back to the ADA empty handed.

"Where's Yosano?"

Ranpo tilted his head in curiosity not wanting to use his super detection to deducted the details

They both stayed silent keeping their heads down walking back to their desks. Ranpo stood up and demanded them for answers

"Where is Yosano!?"

Dazai spoke straight forward to Ranpo.

"Ranpo... She's gone."

Ranpo stood there silent. While everyone had just heard this now.

"I-I- b-but h-how?.."

He was wordless; he needed to vent his problems to someone, someone who would care just like Yasono would.. But now he can't vent to her or rant about anything to her anymore..

Ranpo ran out of the office. Tanizaki wanted to go comfort him but Naomi stopped him knowing that they needed to give Ranpo some time to think about the situation.

"W-Why Yosano... Why must it be you-..."

Ranpo said while running with tears to go to his favorite spot at the playground, underneath the slide. He ran there and sat down pouring his eyes out.


-2 hours later-

About 2 hours have passed and Ranpo was still under the slide crying while using one of his coping skills that wasn't the best option and not very healthy but to eat his way through sadness.

"Y-Yummy snacks.... Thanks Yosano for the snacks.. Hehe.."

Ranpo mumbled to himself but his tears mainly covered up what he said.

He had finished his snacks while passing out the next couple of minutes after eating his snacks to take a nap.

Poe was walking by and noticed Ranpo under the slide sleeping.

"Hm, maybe we should take him back home with us, Karl.."

He then picked up Ranpo gently, being careful not to wake him. He carried him all the way back to his place.

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