Chapter 3

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At work one day

"Hey has anyone seen Dr. Yosano?. It's unusual for her not to show up."

Fukuzawa had made this announcement to everyone to see if anyone knew about her whereabouts these past couple of days.

Naomi spoke up first to tell the president.

"I haven't got any calls from her to see if she called in sick."

"Thank you Naomi for the intel so far.. Anyone else?"

Ranpo spinned in his chair and told Fukuzawa.

"I haven't seen her since Friday afternoon, she got me snacks then she continued shopping."

"Alright we may have a lead.. Ranpo, how about you try and find out her whereabouts?"

"Sure thing! Alright super deduction !"

Ranpo used his special ability then found out where she has been this whole time.

"She's at home."

"But that doesn't make sense.. She didn't even answer her phone or her house phone. Why would she ignore work?"

Kunikida exclaimed, then Dazai stood up.

"How about I go check on her? Maybe she won't open the door but I am pretty good at picklocking."

Dazai shrugged as giving the idea

"Ok we have ourselves a plan, everyone start doing what you need to be doing. We must find Yosano.. I swear to god if Mori has her right now I'm going to be so mad."

Fukuzawa said in a mad and whispering tone while showing body language that he was upset


-Dazai and Kunikida's POV-

"Goodness, why is her house all the way over here!!"

Dazai complained because she lived near a shopping center. Saying that... That means it's very very...


"Stop complaining, Dazai. You shouldn't be even complaining because you barely even go out and that you always complain about anything related to work, so shut your goddamn mouth."

Kunkida was taking this very seriously and didn't want to deal with Dazai's nonsense. Especially his suicidal thoughts.

"Ooo!~ That road looks mighty crowded . It seems like a great opportunity to make a run right through it!~"

Dazai raised his hands in the air and was almost going to run through the crowded road but Kunikida stopped him by grabbing him by his shirt.

"Not today.. we don't have time for this. We must go by the schedule."

"Blah blah blah blah.."

Dazai started to lift his hands as Kunikida was speaking then started moving them each time Kunikida was speaking.

Kunikida noticed Dazai then stopped talking but Dazai didn't take notice cause he was mimicking him with his mouth saying blah blah blah blah while moving his hands.

Kunikida looked pissed at him then yelled at Dazai


Dazai jumped up a couple inches.. He got so scared after being yelled at out of nowhere.

"Oh! My bad Mr. Party Pooper"

Dazai rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Whatever.. Let's just get to her house on time."

"Kk.... Mr. Party Pooper...."

They started to walk over to Yosano's house.


-Few moments later-

"Here we are. Good thing we made it on time as well.. Without any distractions."

Kunikida looked back at Dazai with a glare just to see Dazai looking stupid as always.

"Gosh let's just knock and if she doesn't answer. You will pick lock the door right?"

He looked back again at Dazai who was spinning in circles like an imbecile.

"Huh? Oh yeah of course Kunikida!!"

Dazai lifted his hands up in the air, almost losing his balance from him spinning.

"Woah! Almost fell there. Into that nice road of cars.. Hehe~"

Dazai chuckled evilly with a grin on his face.


Kunikida dragged Dazai by his collar away from the road.

"Awww goodness you are such a lameo"

"Whatever Dazai."

He knocked on Yosano's door.. No answer..

He knocked again.. But yet again no answer.

"Alright alright, she ain't answering which means it's my time to shine!"

Dazai gave Kunikida a little shove to the side then went up to the door to pick the lock on the door open. Once he finished picking the lock he said

"Boom magic! Now ladies first."

Dazai teased Kunikida and opened the door as if Kunikida was entering a ball or a royale place.

"Get up you knucklehead."

Kunikida slapped his head on his way in.

"Ow! Hey! I was just teasing you Cinderella!"

"That's it! Just hurry up! I'll deal with you later."

He then dragged Dazai inside her house. But had found themselves inside her house with a big stench.


Dazai plugged his nose while entering in.

"Smells like... Blood?.."

Kunikida sounded unsure of his answer. But only one way to find out if he was correct. They walked on into where the stench was coming from.

"Oh gosh.."

Kunikida almost threw up.

"What happ- Oh my..."

Dazai was after him.

What they had found was something everyone wasn't going to be happy with.. They found Dr. Yosano...

But.. They didn't find her the way they were hoping to.

They had found her on her bed..


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